InsaneScouter - Geologist - Minerals Scavenger - Cub Scouts Webelos

Geologist - Minerals Scavenger

Mineral (/ Product) Uses Where Found
Aluminum Aluminum foil, cosmetics, beverage cans, cooking pots, antacids, lotions  
Chromium Chrome fixtures (cars), stainless steel  
Copper Wires, pipes, cooking pots, brass, pennies  
Fluorite (fluoride) Toothpaste, drinking water  
Gold Dentistry, jewelry, computers, electronics  
Gypsum Wallboard, plaster  
Halite (salt) Table salt, preservatives, de-icers  
Iron Cosmetics, hair dye, steel, wrought iron  
Lead Car batteries, fuel tanks, TV tubes, x-ray shields, fishing sinkers  
Nickel Nickel coins, stainless steel, sheetrock  
Perlite Gardening  
Silver Photo developer, electronics, silverware, dentistry  
Talc Baby powder, antacids, primer  
Tungsten Filaments in light bulbs, drill bits  
Zinc Sunblock, fertilizer, cosmetics, dandruff shampoo, pennies, dry-cell batteries  

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