Scholar - Study Skills

You are the captain of your very own scholarship or learning. Teachers and parents can help, but how well you do in school depends greatly on how well you do your homework. School has just started. Imagine that your scholarship has just left port for a nine-month cruise. You will decide how smooth the trip is going to be. You will set your goals and chart your own course. Before your scholarship really gets underway, it's a good idea to check your skills to find out where you need to improve. You'll want to get your scholarship into shipshape.

Draw a face that would show how well you think you use your study skills.


1. Lifestyle Do you allow enough time for sleep, rest, and fun activities?  
2. Assignment Do you keep up with and write down your assignments?  
3. Schedule Do you set aside time to study?  
4. Place Do you have a good, quiet place to study?  
5. Organization Do you organize your study area?  
6. Focus Do you keep your mind from wandering by remembering your study skills?  
7. Review Do you ask yourself questions or have your parents ask you questions to make certain you understand what you have studied?  




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