Below are the main rules for fire safety, of course we will only build a fire when a responsible adult is present.
- Before doing anything, be sure your fire site is in an area where campfire building is allowed.
- Dig a small pit way from overhanging branches. (Most parks have campfire pits ready and waiting for campers.)
- Circle the pit with rocks unless it already has a metal fire ring.
- Clear a five-foot area around the pit down to the soil.
- Keep a bucket of water and a shovel nearby.
- Stack extra wood upwind and away from the fire.
- After lighting the match, do not discard it until it is cold.
- Never leave a campfire unattended, not even for a minute.
- Keep your fire small. A good rule is no taller than your knees.
- When you put it out, drown the fire in water. Move embers around to be sure nothing on the bottom is still lit.
- Stir the remains and drown again.
- Feel the ground with your hand to be sure no wood is still burning. ( Be careful!)
References / Source:
GSLC Pow Wow 2008