InsaneScouter - Forester - Forest Products - Cub Scouts Webelos

Forester - Forest Products

Forest Trees and their Useful Wood Products
Write the letter of the wood product on the right, next to the correct tree variety on the left.

___ Cedar
___ Redwood
___ Long Leaf Pine
___ Pecan, Oak, Ash
___ White Pine
___ Douglas Fir, Ponderosa Pine

A. pulpwood for paper, lumber
B. lumber, turpentine, tar
C. lumber, telephone poles
D. shingles
E. furniture
F. weather-resistant lumber


Lumber Production in the United States
Circle the correct answer in each set of braces { }.
1. The major { softwoods OR hardwoods } are Douglas fir and Southern pines.
2. Production of lumber in the United States is { 15% OR 85% } from softwoods, { 15% OR 85% } from hardwoods.

Forest Fun
Fill in the blanks with the name of the tree it reminds you of.

Sumac Walnut Mesquite Rubber Oak Spruce
Ash Elder Pine Orange Apple Locust

1. ____________ A person who is old
2. ____________ Something that stretches
3. ____________ A bright color
4. ____________ A nut
5. ____________ Small insect
6. ____________ Another name for cleaning up
7. ____________ OK spelled with an A in the middle
8. ____________ A present for a teacher
9. ____________ The most "knotty" wood
10. ____________ The sound a slap makes
11. ____________ Fire leftovers
12. ____________ A city in west Texas


Forest Plants Useful to Wildlife

Match the forest plants to their best uses:

Wildflowers shelter, homes for small animals
Wild berries food for birds, animals
Grasses, mosses nectar for bees to make honey
Hollow trees food for deer, other animals
Chestnut trees nesting for red-cockaded woodpecker
Pine trees food for wild turkeys




Forest Trees and their Useful Wood Products
Match the wood product on the right to the tree variety on the left.

_D_ Cedar
_F_ Redwood
_B_ Long Leaf Pine
_E_ Pecan, Oak, Ash
_A_ White Pine
_C_ Douglas Fir, Ponderosa Pine

A. pulpwood for paper, lumber
B. lumber, turpentine, tar
C. lumber, telephone poles
D. shingles
E. furniture
F. weather-resistant lumber


Lumber Production in the United States
Circle the correct answer in each set of braces { }.
1. The major SOFTWOODS are Douglas fir and Southern pines.
2. Production of lumber in the United States is 85% from softwoods, 15% from hardwoods.

Forest Fun
Fill in the blanks with the name of the tree it reminds you of.

Sumac Walnut Mesquite Rubber Oak Spruce
Ash Elder Pine Orange Apple Locust


1. Elder A person who is old

2. Rubber Something that stretches

3. Orange A bright color

4. Walnut A nut

5. Locust Small insect

6. Spruce Another name for cleaning up
7. Oak OK spelled with an A in the middle
8. Apple A present for a teacher
9. Pine The most "knotty" wood
10. Sumac The sound a slap makes
11. Ash Fire leftovers
12. Mesquite A city in west Texas



Forest Plants Useful to Wildlife

Match the forest plants to their best uses:

Wildflowers = nectar for bees to make honey
Wild berries = food for birds, animals
Grasses, mosses = food for deer, other animals
Hollow trees = shelter, homes for small animals
Chestnut trees = food for wild turkeys
Pine trees = nesting for the red-cockaded woodpecker

Data supplied by Pack 114


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