Forest Trees and their Useful Wood Products
Write the letter of the wood product on the right, next to the correct tree variety on the left.
___ Cedar ___ Redwood ___ Long Leaf Pine ___ Pecan, Oak, Ash ___ White Pine ___ Douglas Fir, Ponderosa Pine | A. pulpwood for paper, lumber B. lumber, turpentine, tar C. lumber, telephone poles D. shingles E. furniture F. weather-resistant lumber |
Lumber Production in the United States
Circle the correct answer in each set of braces { }.
1. The major { softwoods OR hardwoods } are Douglas fir and Southern pines.
2. Production of lumber in the United States is { 15% OR 85% } from softwoods, { 15% OR 85% } from hardwoods.
Forest Fun
Fill in the blanks with the name of the tree it reminds you of.
Sumac | Walnut | Mesquite | Rubber | Oak | Spruce |
Ash | Elder | Pine | Orange | Apple | Locust |
1. ____________ A person who is old
2. ____________ Something that stretches
3. ____________ A bright color
4. ____________ A nut
5. ____________ Small insect
6. ____________ Another name for cleaning up
7. ____________ OK spelled with an A in the middle
8. ____________ A present for a teacher
9. ____________ The most "knotty" wood
10. ____________ The sound a slap makes
11. ____________ Fire leftovers
12. ____________ A city in west Texas
Forest Plants Useful to Wildlife
Match the forest plants to their best uses:
Wildflowers | shelter, homes for small animals |
Wild berries | food for birds, animals |
Grasses, mosses | nectar for bees to make honey |
Hollow trees | food for deer, other animals |
Chestnut trees | nesting for red-cockaded woodpecker |
Pine trees | food for wild turkeys |
Forest Trees and their Useful Wood Products
Match the wood product on the right to the tree variety on the left.
_D_ Cedar _F_ Redwood _B_ Long Leaf Pine _E_ Pecan, Oak, Ash _A_ White Pine _C_ Douglas Fir, Ponderosa Pine | A. pulpwood for paper, lumber B. lumber, turpentine, tar C. lumber, telephone poles D. shingles E. furniture F. weather-resistant lumber |
Lumber Production in the United States
Circle the correct answer in each set of braces { }.
1. The major SOFTWOODS are Douglas fir and Southern pines.
2. Production of lumber in the United States is 85% from softwoods, 15% from hardwoods.
Forest Fun
Fill in the blanks with the name of the tree it reminds you of.
Sumac | Walnut | Mesquite | Rubber | Oak | Spruce |
Ash | Elder | Pine | Orange | Apple | Locust |
1. Elder A person who is old
2. Rubber Something that stretches
3. Orange A bright color
4. Walnut A nut
5. Locust Small insect
6. Spruce Another name for cleaning up
7. Oak OK spelled with an A in the middle
8. Apple A present for a teacher
9. Pine The most "knotty" wood
10. Sumac The sound a slap makes
11. Ash Fire leftovers
12. Mesquite A city in west Texas
Forest Plants Useful to Wildlife
Match the forest plants to their best uses:
Wildflowers = | nectar for bees to make honey |
Wild berries = | food for birds, animals |
Grasses, mosses = | food for deer, other animals |
Hollow trees = | shelter, homes for small animals |
Chestnut trees = | food for wild turkeys |
Pine trees = | nesting for the red-cockaded woodpecker |