Webelos Scout Program

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Welcome to the Webelos Scout program
This document is designed to supplement material on Webelos Scouting found in the Cub Scout Leader Book, and Webelos Scout Program Helps. You and your Webelos Scouts will also each need a copy of the Webelos Scout Book, which shows requirements for the Webelos badge, Compass and Points, Arrow of Light, and the 20 activity badges.

Webelos Den Organization
Your Webelos den may consist of Webelos Scouts who are all in fourth grade, or all in fifth grade, or you may have both fourth and fifth grade boys in the same den. Each type is a little different from the other two.

If you have all fourth-graders, concentrate on the Webelos badge and activity badges that are more closely related to Cub Scouting than to Boy Scouting. Campouts will be part of your outdoor program, but at a basic level, with lots of the 'Comforts of Home' built in. You probably won't have any joint activities with Boy Scout troops.

Webelos dens of fifth-graders, boys will be finishing up activity Pins (earning Compass Emblem and Compass Points) earning the Arrow of Light Award. Your outdoor activities should include joint activities with a Boy Scout troop, probably the troop that most of the Webelos Scouts will join when they graduate

If you are the leader of a Webelos den that includes both fourth- and fifth-graders, you will have to strike a balance There may be times when you will have the fourth-graders working on one activity badge and the fifth-graders on another. Similarly, your outdoor activities and joint activities with a troop will need to balance the different progress levels of the boys in your den.

First Year Program

Second Year Program

How Webelos Program Differs from Cub Scouts

Difference from Boy Scouts - Webelos to Scout

As the Webelos leader, you are the key to the program, but you will have some help. You should, of course, have an assistant Webelos leader who works closely with you at all meetings and activities. Encourage the parents to take on an Activity Badge and present to the Patrol. If at all possible recruit a Webelos den chief--an older Boy Scout who works with the den. Experience indicates that a good den chief can make a real difference in convincing Webelos Scouts to continue their Scouting experience as Boy Scouts.

Another key resource is the pool of Webelos activity badge counselors. Art activity badge counselor is a 'Specialist' who works with the Webelos Scouts on a particular activity badge for one or two months. The best sources are adult family members of the boys in your den. If you set up your program to have art activity badge counselor responsible for each activity badge included in your program for a year, your job will be simplified and the parents of your Webelos Scouts will become more involved in the program. Do a resource survey of your parents and if any professions relate to the twenty activity pins, have that parent take care of presenting that activity pin

Compass Points
After a boy has earned the Webelos badge, he may receive compass points for additional activity badges. The compass points emblem is presented to a Webelos Scout who has earned four additional activity badges beyond those required for the Webelos badge (a total of seven), and is worn suspended from the button of the right pocket of the uniform shirt. A metal compass point is presented for each additional four activity badges earned, to be affixed to the emblem in the East, South, or West positions. A total of 3 compass points, plus the emblem, may be earned, representing 16 activity badges beyond the Webelos badge.

Outdoor Program
An important part of the 2-year Webelos Scout program is the boys Introduction to basic BSA camping skills, as well as the fun and excitement of camping. Several Webelos Scout parent-and-son overnight camp outs should be included in the first year, with emphasis on learning the basic skills of outdoor living and having fun outdoors. The guidelines in the Cub Scout Leader Book, NO. 3220A, should be followed closely to ensure that the camping experience is comfortable and fulfilling. Encourage the Webelos Patrol and parents to cook meals as a group, not as parent/son meals - Cub Scout.

During the second year, camping skills can be expanded, although they should not exceed those taught at the entry level of Boy Scouting. The concept of participation together by the boy and his parent (or father substitute) must be maintained. Use improved camping BSA facilities accessible to transportation, rather than wilderness sites. Fire-building, basic cooking, camp sanitation, tent-pitching, making a comfortable ground bed, nature study, and conservation are skills that could be included in camp programs. Also cover the division of jobs (cook, fireman, KP) with a duty roster that rotates for each camp out and even at each meal. Start allowing the Webelos Patrol (without parents) to cook some meals together as a group. Let the parents eat separately.

Joint Activities with Boy Scout Troops
Early in the second year of the program (if it has not been done previously), a close relationship should be established with the Boy Scout troop that most of the Webelos Scouts will join. This will help the boys to become familiar with the troop and its members and learn about the exciting activities that await them in Boy Scouting.

The Webelos den and the troop should hold several activities together. In addition to one or two joint camp outs, the den could also join with the troop in a court of honor, campfire program, day hike, field day, and joint Good Turns for the chartered organization or community. Attendance at a camporee or other district or council Boy Scout event, as guests for the day, of the troop might also be included.

Each troop should select an Assistant Scoutmaster to serve as the Troop's Webelos to Scout Transition resource person, responsible for coordinating joint activities with the Troop as well as encouraging the Webelos Scouts to continue their Scouting experience with the troop.

Webelos - Cub Scout Day Camping

Webelos Resident Camping
The summer camp experience for Webelos Scouts offered by your council can be a great resource for you in developing outdoor skills in your boys and in supporting your den's advancement program. Most importantly, it is fun and it builds excitement and enthusiasm for Webelos Scouts. Be sure your den participates.

If there are more than two Webelos dens, it is helpful if the pack has a Webelos Den Leader Coach. The Webelos den leader coach is an adult, preferably one with past experience as a Webelos leader, who helps to coordinate program, training, and activities for all of the Webelos dens.

Webelos Scout Advancement
The Webelos Scout advancement plan is the basis for the program. Den meetings and Webelos Scout participation in pack meetings, as well as other activities, are usually built on one of the 20 activity badges or pins, plus the Webelos badge and Arrow of Light.

Activity Badges
Recommended activity badges schedules for the (21 month) program year. Two badges are listed for each month. The first activity badge listed is recommended for fourth-graders in their first year of Webelos Scouting; the second listed is for fifth-grade Webelos Scouts. The badges have been so arranged that fourth-graders earn activity badges will qualify for the Webelos badge in their first year and the Arrow of Light Award in their second year just before Cross Over to Boy Scouts. While it is possible to rearrange the activity badge emphasis so that boys can earn the Arrow of Light Award sooner, this is not recommended. The Arrow of Light Award needs to be completed fairly close to the boys' graduation into Boy Scouting in order to hold his interest in the Webelos Scout program. Also the Boy Scout Program is designed to take new Boy Scouts in in late February - early March. The Troops have a great need to run their program until then, then they (the Troops) concentrate on the new Boy Scouts getting them ready for their first Summer Camp by teaching skills on the First Class Trail - Basic Camping Skills.

Activity Badge Groups
Under the advancement requirements, the 20 activity badges are arranged into 5 groups, each containing 4 related badges. For both the Webelos badge and the Arrow of Light Award, the boy is required to earn activity badges from different groups in order to broaden his experience in different areas. Three of the activity badges are required--one (Fitness) for the Webelos badge, and two more (Citizen and Readyman) for the Arrow of Light Award. The activity badge groups are:

  • Physical Skills Group

    • Aquanaut

    • Athlete

    • Fitness

    • Sportsman

  • Mental Skills Group

    • Artist

    • Scholar

    • Showman

    • Traveler

  • Community Group

    • Citizen

    • Communicator

    • Family Member

    • Readyman

  • Technology Group

    • Craftsman

    • Engineer

    • Handyman

    • Scientist

  • Outdoor Group

    • Forester

    • Geologist

    • Naturalist

    • Outdoorsman


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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders