Good Health HabitsCircle the correct answer(s).
- Bathe/shower (every/day OR 1/week) and especially after exercise.
- Wash your hair (1/month OR 2+ times/week).
- Wash hands (before eating OR after using the restroom) and when they're dirty.
- Eat right - (3 OR 4 OR 6) regular meals each day at regular times!
- Eat (just some OR a variety of) food from each of the 4 food groups.
- The average 10 year old should get (6 OR 9 OR 12) hours of sleep each night.
Clean & StrongCircle T for True or F for False.
T F 1. Our bodies "repair" themselves while we sleep. T F 2. Clean clothes aren't necessary after a bath or shower - they are just in the morning. T F 3. Use proper lighting for all activities including reading, TV viewing, and playing. T F 4. Fitness is never just physical - it involves both the mind and body together. T F 5. Stand tall, and walk tall with shoulders back and stomach in. T F 6. It's OK to share drinking cups, washcloths and towels. T F 7. Different foods provide different nutrients, and no one food can sustain us. T F 8. Rushing meals or skipping meals can be harmful to your body.
Basic Food GroupsMatch each food to the appropriate food group.
DAIRY PROTEIN GRAINS VEG & FRUIT banana egg cereal yogurt porkchop apple butter pasta cheese hotdogs corn bread melon nuts crackers ice cream potatoes milk oatmeal steak