Hmmm... Electrical Outlets
As a small lad, maybe like 3-6 years of age I had this bad tendency to put bobby pins and screw drivers in outlets. I really don't know why I did it. Maybe I just liked the jolt of electric, or maybe I liked to see the sparks … who knows. I did this many times over a few years, got burned a few times even. On more then occasion I would use my play... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-04-11Open Road Pet Peeves
I have driven a fair amount of milage on the open road and have a few pet peeves. The biggest pet peeve I have occurs when its a two lane each way road in middle of no where. To often I see a driver get into the left lane and just stay there not going faster then the right lane, or only slightly faster. The problem with this is makes it hard for others to... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-04-11Hmmm.... Stuffed Up At Philmont
When I was a Scout on of the trips we were lucky enough to do was Philmont. I have many stories from my 10 days on the trail at this wonderful camp. This story is about one of the Scouts that went with us on this trip.The first few days went by normal enough until it was learned that this one Scout had not gone poop yet. Well the leaders stepped in but by this... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-04-11Backcountry Trash / Vandalism
I have been on a number of day trips in the last two months and one thing I saw, as you see in the photos I have included with this post, as how people trash and vandalize these wonderful places. This is more of a rant and pet peeve of mine. I really do not have any solutions. I believe education would help to some degree but there will still be many who do not... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-04-11Help InsaneScouter
As you may know InsaneScouter is a large site containing over 5,000 unique pages of content, using around 20 gigs of drive space and made up of a few million lines of code. This site has grown to large for a few of us to continue to manage. We need your help with various tasks. Here are a few things we may be able to accomplish with your help: updating old content re-doing our clip... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-04-11Hmmm... Philmont Squirrels
When I was at Philmont as a Scout, one day were sitting in our camp chillin. We notice in the camp across from us the Scouts left their food on the tables and laying around the camp. They did not bother packing it up in anyway, not even a bear bag. We watched squirrels and other animals goobling it all up. I remember one of the Scouts asking one of our leaders if we should... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-04-11Our Websites
I am proud to announce that there are a bunch of new websites part of the InsaneScouter family. This post is going to give you a quick overview of what each site is. Also for your convenience I have added to the menu on all the sites but KampSpace “Our Sites” which gives you an easy way to find each of our sites.InsaneScouter: is a large Scouting / Guiding portal loaded with over 5,000 unique... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-04-11Fuzzy and Scout March 2010
Hi All, Fuzzy and Scout here. As we write this it is almost Easter and that means it is time for the Easter bunny to come by and hide loads of chocolate and salmon.But it also means that spring has finally come after this very cold and long winter. Although Scout does like all the hot cocoa he had over the winter. All the animals in the forests and everywhere will also like that the... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-04-011,000th Subscriber Contest and Lodge Mfg
We are almost at a milestone here at InsaneScouter, having over 1,000 subscribers to our newsletter. As a thank you to our subscribers, you will find a special gift in our April 2010 newsletter.Our friends at Lodge Mfg have graciously agreed to give a 10 ¼ inch skillet with a glass lid to our 1,000th subscriber. This skillet is valued at almost $50 dollars. This is a perfect skillet for home, the rv, or camping.... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-03-31Years End aka Cub Scouting Year
Hello Fellow Scouters, We are on the back side of our Cub Scouting Year. The boys are bouncing because they can't go out, well let them out. Also remember to ask the parents that their boys will be back.YIS, ptsteve... [More]
By: Steve O'Connor On: 2010-03-20