Knights’ Roasters
As a change of pace I am posting a craft project today on how to make some really cool hot dog roasting sticks. I did not create this craft but came acrossed it on a mailing list and thought I would share. ... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2009-12-10Who has your back??
Who has your back? Who is your back up in case you can't be at the meeting?I found out the hard way you need to have additional leaders to take up when you are not there. Fortunately, this year one of the other Fathers in my Den volunteered even before I had to ask. Why do I mention this, a motivated and interested leader is an important and sometimes rare asset. I will talk about... [More]
By: Steve O'Connor On: 2009-11-27Why should you train!!
There are many reasons that come to mind, besides BSA is going to require it soon. The chief one is that we want the best scouting experience for the scouts we are guiding. Luckly, the group of leaders I work with is great because we work together and share knowledge and experiences to make life for everyone easier and to deliver the best possible program to the Scouts we work with.Sharing the responsibility of advising... [More]
By: Steve O'Connor On: 2009-11-27To Train or Not to Train
Hello from PackTrainerSteve,This post is for New Leaders looking for resources and direction. Are you asking the question "Do I really need to be trained?" The answer is Yes, Yes, Yes!!!!!First, you need to at least complete Youth Protection Training. It is best to do it in a Live training session if possible, but you can also do it online. The important thing is to DO IT!Second, complete your leader specific training. This will give... [More]
By: Steve O'Connor On: 2009-11-13To PowWow or Not to PowWow
Hello Again from PackTrainerSteveWell attended PowWow last week or Cub Scout College and learned a whole lot of good stuff to take back to the Pack and Den. Yes, I had to attend a couple of not so fun, but really good for you sessions and the trainers were great. Now you are probably saying please stop with the do more training speech. I take advantage of most of the training opportunities offered because it... [More]
By: Steve O'Connor On: 2009-11-1310 tips to getting kids outside
Here are ten tips for ways to get your kids outside Lets Eat Outside Who can resist a picnic? A hunk of bread with warm water - mmmm... No matter what it is it just tastes better outside. There Is Treasure To Be Found What is more fun then to find something? You can find stuff just by walking around and keeping your eyes open, or by using something like a metal detector. You can... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2009-11-06The Evening before PowWow
The evening before PowWow and it has me thinking. A year ago I attended my first PowWow and it was eye opening. This one I am looking forward to learning more things I can bring back to my Den and the Adult Leaders in the Pack. I do have to learn some serious stuff, but also signed up for the fun stuff the Cub Scouts will enjoy. Well I will have an update in the... [More]
By: Steve O'Connor On: 2009-11-06Cub Scout Den Leaders: Keeping in Touch with Parents
Hello Cub Scouters,How often are you communicating with your Cub Scouts and parents. Do you send out reminder emails for upcoming meetings and Pack events? Email works great to remind everyone what is going on, but Den Leaders still need to pick up the phone and ask the families that have a responsibilities for the next meetings are they comfortable with it. Even if they say "we have it under control" or yes, ask again.... [More]
By: Steve O'Connor On: 2009-10-24Cub Scout Den Leaders: Pack Meeting in the Rain
Hello Cub Scouters,Yes it is PackTrainerSteve again and also a Den Leader. We have found that you can hold a Hayride with off and on rain. I am proud to say most of my Den showed up and had a great time. We had 100 say they would come and 60 did and most of them were my Wolf Scouts and families. If the weather forecast says rain, make sure to see what is going... [More]
By: Steve O'Connor On: 2009-10-24Order of the Arrow
It has come to my attention that in many areas its that time of the year... time for OA elections so I thought I would take a few moments to explain what the OA is all about and how Scouts should choose who they elect into the brotherhood. In case you are wondering I am a OA member having earned my ordeal level as a Scout and then many years later Brotherhood while on Summer... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2009-10-24