Kamp Kitchen – Cutting it All Up
Where should I start... well as you might have guessed this section is all about knives and cutting stuff up. As I have said before... Safety First and Safety Always. The knives should always be kept clean and sharp. A dull knife is just asking for big problems and if its a dirty knife even more problems. When Scouts are using knives and other sharp objects there should be adult leaders around to, shall we... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2009-08-28Scout Camp The Movie
Scout Camp The movie synopsis...Returning to Camp Rakhouta for what may be his last camp, York Hayes (Shawn Carter, High School Musical 1, 2, 3) is determined to leave a legacy for his troop to follow. However, when the legendary "Spirit Stick" goes missing, the entire camp legacy is threatened. Now York must do whatever it takes to find the Spirit Stick, return it to it's post, and restore the tradition of Camp Rakhouta. Filled... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2009-08-25Kamp Kitchen – Cooking Utensil
First I would like to ensure we all are on the same page by defining what I mean by cooking utensils. In simple terms these are things like spoons, spatulas, tongs, turning forks, etc that we use to cook with. I will not cover knives in the post as I have a dedicated post planned called “Cutting it all up” for that topic.In the picture you can see that I use a tool box to... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2009-08-25Kamp Kitchen – Personal Mess Gear
This is a pet peeve of mine. I see many Scouts go out and get those metal military mess kits that also can be used to cook in. I hate these things. Not only do I know some old time leaders that have witnessed first hand some nasty burns as a result of using these mess kits to cook with, generally from the small pot with the handle in the middle of many of these... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2009-08-21Kamp Kitchen – Personal Hygiene
This post is about cleanness for cooking and eating. Most of the campouts the Troop I was with did where into middle of the desert where there were no tables, water, bathrooms – thee was nothing but sand and what we brought along. As a result we had to come up with simple ways to deal with hygiene with out using a lot of water. What we came up with was a two prong approach,... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2009-08-18Kamp Kitchen
This is the first in a series of blog posts that will talk about the parts of my large outdoor kitchen. In its entirety the kitchen is designed for large group cooking, like when I was quartermaster / cook at our local NYLT course. Good thing I like to cook. As a result I ensured over 100 hungry Scouts and Staff got feed 3 times a day plus a cracker barrel now and... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2009-08-14The Moon
I was out the other night with a friend. I brought along my digital SLR camera with me. I decided to practice doing night photography. As I live in Las Vegas the city of lights most of what I tried to do was take pictures of the Vegas Strip. I took 103 pictures, of which only 2 came out. I am going have to do some research and figure out what I was doing wrong.... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2009-08-12Teaching Tool Safety
In my last post I talked about how each camp tool is safe when use properly. Its not the tool that is dangerous but rather how the user uses it. Today I would like to make some comments on teaching tool safety to Scouts and other young people. I personally find the totin chip shall we say lacking, especially at some summer camps for example where it can be earned in ten minutes just by... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2009-08-09Camp Tools
This is a topic near and dear to my heart. I guess because of my extensive training when I was in Americorps*NCCC and was the team quartermaster. Just for background my training includes BSA Totin Chit, National Forest Service Trail Crew tools, the California Conservation Corps Tools, among others... Anyway I am digressing...A few years ago on a Scouting email list there was a topic going around about which is safer a full size ax... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2009-08-06WOW - $600 In Prizes - Contest
What you have to do If you have not done so already, register to receive the InsaneScouter newsletter by becoming a member. http://insanescouter.org/users/register.php When you receive the newsletter forward it on to your Scouting friends. Each friend who registers after clicking on any link in the newsletter, will earn you one chance to win. The more friends you get to register the more chances you have to win. Once your friend receives their own... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2009-08-05