I recently had the chance to interview Lee Atchison the founder of ScoutManage, and a major InsaneScouter sponsor. I asked him a bunch of questions and here is his answers. Can you tell me a little bit about ScoutManage, what it is and how it helps Scouters?ScoutManage is a tool that allows units to manage their scouting unit in a way that shares responsibility between members of the unit, rather than requiring a single person... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-03-19Butterscotch Trail Mix
This may sound weird on the surface but its actually really good... Take the normal ingredients for trail mix for example: nuts, cheerios, dried fruit, raisins, chex mix, etc. Mix together in a large bowl like normal, but also mix in butterscotch chips like you would use to make cookies. I usually don't add in any other sugary items to the mix besides the butterscotch -they are sweet enough. Sub divide it up into ziplock... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-03-02Lesson: First Class Board of Review
When I was still a young Scout I went before the board for my First Class Rank. The board was made up of 3 adults and was set off in a side room of the building we were meeting in. Actually it was the back doorway, with the double doors, entry door, then another set of doors double wide. Anyway I went through the board, and answered there questions. Though I no longer can tell... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-03-02Lesson: Hammock and Chips
A few years ago I was helping staff a event between two Troops. I had some time to relax so I laid down in my hammock for a while. My stomach grumbled so one of the older Scouts who was also on staff tossed me a nearly empty bag of chips. The next thing I knew I was sitting on the ground and we were all laughing our heads off. For what ever reason right... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-03-02Mobile Office
A few years ago when I was still handling the administrative tasks for the Troop I was working with I created what I call “The Mobile Office”. The pictures below who the tool box which I converted into a what some would call desk drawer. As you can see it is well organized stocked with pens, pencils, markets, scissors, hole punch, stapler, label maker, various types of paper clips, etc. Also my laptop, portable printer,... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-03-02See America First
Recently, I have been watching the Ken Burns National Park series on dvd. It is very interesting how the National Park Service (NPS) got started and why. It was not started by a president or even congress. It was started because a few concerned citizens say ok we have parks now what. Those people put in there own time and there own money to make it happen. If you think about it the NPS started... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-03-02Lesson: Where is my backpack
I remember one campout in particular, it was a nice enough weekend weather wise, but a Scout learned a hard lesson.The Scouts started unloading the cars and sitting up camp. After a while one of the older Scouts started hunting around camp trying to find his backpack. Turns out he told his brother to put it into the car before they left home. Well he didn't. Luckily their dad was on the outing with us... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-03-02Brotherhood of Scouting
How many of you know that purple patch you wear on your uniform represents that Boy Scouts of America is a member of the World Organization Scouting Movement (WOSM). WOSM is the organization all Scouting programs world wide are part of, thus why its refereed to as the world brotherhood of Scouting. For those of you who are curious Girl Scouts and Guides are under the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).Did... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-03-02Lesson: Teaching Totin' Chit
One year when I was on Summer Camp staff I was the main person teaching the Totin' chit at camp. I even got to the point where I was being asked by Scoutmasters to come to there camp and put on the course for their whole Troop. During one of the normal classes in the Outdoor Skills area I was trying to teach this one Scout how to properly do the blood circle. The lad... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-03-02Lesson: Emergency Tent Stakes
When I was still a Scout we were on a backpacking trip. It was a windy, but clear day. The ground was all solid rock, it was just the way this location was... one big slab of rock. When it came time to set up camp we Scouts needed to stake down our tents, because of the wind, but the backpacking tent stakes would just bend when you tried to put them into the ground.... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-03-02