Lessons from the past... bring back something interesting
Recently I was talking to a Scouting friend from the UK. It seems at a recent Cub Camp the leaders needed some time to prepare the food. They sent the kids out in Patrols to come back with “the most interesting thing” which would win a prize. When all the groups came back one group had a live wild rabbit. The leader skinned and cooked the rabbit, which the kids had for dinner.The lesson... don't... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-01-20Lessons from the past... Grand Canyon
As a Scout I backpacked the Grand Canyon twice. The first time we did it was my first long term, and my first serious backpacking trip. As a side note, the hike down only takes 4 to 5 hours, but the hike out takes 8 to 12 hours depending on your condition and the trail you choose. On our way down the Scout who happened to be my tent mate kept dropping his sleeping bag.... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-01-20Multimedia Resources
Many of you know that BSA has many DVDs and CDs available to aid us. Have you ever thought about the thousands of other resources availiable computer software (refer to the open source blog post at http://insanescouter.org/blog/208/Open_Source_Scouting.html), how to videos / software, audio cd ceremonies, map software, dvd camp promos, unofficial Scout movies, and so much more. You could participate in programs such as NASA's http://www.e-missions.net/ .You could also create your own, for example a... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-01-20Lessons from the past... Sniffing Koolaid & Trail Toys
After a day of trekking we picked out a camp spot. One of the Scouts started digging around in his pack and the next thing we knew he had produced a thumb skate board with ramp, a palm size dictionary, and electric screw driver, and I don't remember what else. When asked why he brought those items, his answer was simple “to keep my little brother out of them”. The next day we got up,... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-01-20Scouting Stuff
I have been in Scouting in one way or another since 1982 when I first joined a new national program called Tiger Cubs. The photos that follow show the actual Cub Scout uniform I wore, a few of my actual neckerchiefs, some of my patches on my vest, my merit badge sash, OA sash and even my Scout Belt with the Skill Awards on them. I hope you enjoy a glimpse into my past and... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-01-20Lessons from the past... Rocks in the Pack
When I was a Scout we were on a training backpacking trip. A group of older Scouts repeatly got ahead of the main group by a fair distances. Finally the leaders got tired of it and had us “younger” Scouts put some rocks into there packs to slow them down. Well it didn't slow them down that much, but when they got to camp and found the rocks they were amazed. It was estimated by... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-01-20Knives
Since I was a young Scout when my parents bought me my first knife, I have been collecting them. Some may find this strange but that first knife which was like $2 next to the cash register and was really a complete piece of junk still sits in my collection. As you will note in this very small sampling of my collection there are knives of all sizes and types ranging from the large Bowie... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-01-20Lessons from the past... Walking Backpack
This is not so much a lesson as it is just an amusing antidote. When I was a Scout we had a kid in the Troop that was a bit small for his age. He was part of our Troop High Adventure Team, as this was before Venturing. When we went to Philmont he came along and someone took a picture of this backpack with two legs walking down the trail. You could not see... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-01-20Written Resources
Lets take a moment to talk about what written resources are available to you. In the photo you will see there are a lot of books, Scouting and non Scouting ones. There are also maps, trail guides, books created for special trainings and events such as WoodBadge. In addition to all of this there are handouts, flyers from places you visit, posters, informational booklets you collect from fairs and shows, and so much more.Many years... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-01-20Lessons from the past... Corkscrew Dare
On a backpacking trip, during a break the Scouts were bored. The decided to start daring each other. The dares were innocent enough until, “I dare you to sit on a corckscrew”. Well one Scout did it and then exclaimed “Its going ...” ok I will leave that up to your imagination. He ended up with a hole in his pants. Needless to say the leaders nor his parents were to pleased when we found... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-01-20