Lets take a moment to talk about what written resources are available to you. In the photo you will see there are a lot of books, Scouting and non Scouting ones. There are also maps, trail guides, books created for special trainings and events such as WoodBadge. In addition to all of this there are handouts, flyers from places you visit, posters, informational booklets you collect from fairs and shows, and so much more.
Many years ago when I was still in High School they taught us about the “Vertical File” which really was nothing more then a filling cabinet with news articles and other soft resources such as booklets and flyers sorted by subject. From that idea I created a file box that I then created folders for things like camping, first aid, pioneering, orienteering, etc. I collected resources as I went through my daily life and then save them into these folders. Then months later when the Scouts were working on some theme or badge these resources were available and easy to find. Maybe they would copy one to hand out to everyone or blow up another to use as part of the lesson.
What kind of written resources do you use? How do you keep them organised and easy to find?