Time Management and the Eagle Court of Honor
I don’t know about the Scouts in your troop, but the Scouts in my troop are busy—very busy. In order to offer them a little bit of scheduling sanity, we try to practice good time management whenever possible. For example, the troop doesn’t meet on the third Thursday of each month; instead, that night is reserved for patrol leaders’ council meetings and boards of review, freeing up at least one night a month for Scouts... [More]
By: Jennifer Fletcher On: 2011-11-23Youth Protection: Keep Your Guard Up!
I’m sure you’re already well aware of the (legally I have to use the term “alleged” but it sickens me to do so) abuse cases surrounding the assistant coach at Penn State. If not, my apologies but you’ll have to look it up; I’m not going to detail it here. The more I learn about this case the more nauseated I become and the more determined I am to keep my kids and all the... [More]
By: Jennifer Fletcher On: 2011-11-16Think, Believe, Dream, Dare
I hadn’t heard the following story until recently, but it’s really an inspiration. If I find myself in a situation that seems completely dark and hopeless (believe me, it’s been happening quite a bit lately), I think about this story and the lessons within it; I always seem to feel a little brighter and more positive after reading it. I hope you will get something from it too. An eight-year old boy walked up to... [More]
By: Jennifer Fletcher On: 2011-11-14Bobcat - We Earned it!
Admittedly, I didn't earn my Bobcat - both of my boys earned theirs. I am truly bursting with pride for them because I know how hard they worked to achieve this milestone in their Scouting path.They quizzed each other during our daily home/school commutes on the Cub Scout salute, the Scout handshake, the Boy Scout Promise and the Boy Scout Law. They read their handbooks without needing a reminder (mostly). Six months ago my boys... [More]
By: Jennifer Fletcher On: 2011-11-12Scouting for Food: A Good Turn
Blue door hangers are popping up everywhere this weekend, courtesy of Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers and Explorer Scouts. These Scouts are taking part in a program called A National Good Turn; this program helps feed the hungry of America. My area Scouts are hanging the signs this weekend; other areas may have later (or earlier) dates.Here's how the program works: you place canned goods that you would like to donate in any paper or... [More]
By: Jennifer Fletcher On: 2011-11-09A Lesson in Life
21st Century humans are evolving into a people who take life for granted. Go to your local supercenter at any given time and watch the kids throwing fits because they don’t get the latest and greatest “whats-it” if you need proof. Most of us have grown so accustomed to the homeless people on the corner that we don’t even see them anymore – not even the kids. I would like to share the following letter... [More]
By: Jennifer Fletcher On: 2011-11-07The World's Best Congratulatory Letters
Many Scouters have compiled exhaustive lists of celebrities, dignitaries, and other famous folks who will send new Eagle Scouts a congratulatory letter. You can find links to several of these lists on my Web site, athttp://www.eaglebook.com/free_sites.htm. The best list in the world is not online, however. Instead, it’s probably in Mom’s address book.You see, letters from the President and other celebrities are fine – and you should certainly solicit them – but you shouldn’t leave... [More]
By: Jennifer Fletcher On: 2011-11-03Halloween Fun
I love Halloween. What other day of the year can we transform into a wholly different persona and be accepted for doing so? As a parent, Halloween has taken on a new kind of joy for me: picking out costumes with my kids, carving spooky and fun jack-o-lanterns, the anticipation of the loot to be gained from trick-or-treating. The parent I have become is also a little concerned every year at this time. I worry... [More]
By: Jennifer Fletcher On: 2011-10-31Get the Picture?
If your Eagle ceremony/reception venue can’t accommodate a slide-show presentation of the Scout’s journey to Eagle—or if your technology know-how is lacking!—why not use a digital photo frame? Photos from the Scout’s years as a Cub Scout, his progression through the ranks of Boy Scouting, and his Eagle project can be scanned, downloaded, and displayed. Because of its small size, the frame can easily be placed near the guest book or on the cake table... [More]
By: Jennifer Fletcher On: 2011-10-27Balancing the Methods
Early in The Scoutmaster’s Other Handbook I talk about balancing the methods of Scouting—making sure you’re using all eight methods on a fairly even basis. The problem is that Scouters often focus so much on one method (usually advancement, outdoors, or youth development) that they forget to use the others (usually ideals, personal growth, or uniform).From time to time, in fact, one method even cancels another out. I recently chatted with a Scout leader about... [More]
By: Jennifer Fletcher On: 2011-10-24