What I Learned at the Regatta
My boys’ Webelo den just had their Raingutter Regatta; being new to the boy side of Scouting, I had never heard of – much less participated in – such a thing. The boys brought home their boat kits, we painted and assembled them, and the night of the regatta they lined up with the other boys and raced their boats by blowing on the sails. Every scout who participated received a ribbon. Even my daughter... [More]
By: Jennifer Fletcher On: 2011-10-22Hurry! Hurry! Step Right Up!
I’m a strong believer in making the Eagle court of honor a separate event from the regular troop court of honor. When you do that, however, you often run the risk of having a poor showing of Scouts. Other Scouts, especially younger ones who don’t know the honoree, may see little reason to show up.So, what can you do to get Scouts to turn out? Here are a few ideas: Send invitations to their homes;... [More]
By: Jennifer Fletcher On: 2011-10-20Last-Minute Heroes
I would hate to be a placekicker.Too often, I’ve seen a placekicker called out in the last seconds of a football game to attempt an impossibly long field goal—all because 11 other guys couldn’t make a touchdown. On the positive side, of course, if the placekicker does make the field goal, he becomes the game’s last-minute hero and probably gets more glory than he should.So what does that have to do with Eagle courts... [More]
By: Jennifer Fletcher On: 2011-10-15Scout Master Tips: Dollars and Sense
If you’ve been in the program very long, you’ve probably heard this adage: “If you take the outing out of Scouting, all you’re left with is dollars and cents.” Turn the S and C in “SCOUTING” into dollar and cent signs ($ and ¢), and you’ll get the point.The adage is true, of course, but it tends to give less weight to money than it should. After all, without money it’s pretty hard to... [More]
By: Jennifer Fletcher On: 2011-10-13Girl Scouts are Geeks
I am a geek. Or am I nerd? Maybe I’m a bit of both. I loved science as a kid. I studied whatever information I could get my hands on, I played with chemistry sets…I didn’t have a problem with the dissection part in biology. One Christmas I begged my parents for a microscope kit (while my sister asked for dolls) and I used that kit so much I burned the bulbs out. In high... [More]
By: Jennifer Fletcher On: 2011-10-10Eagle Tip - Return to Sender
While an Eagle court of honor is a troop function, a large part of the audience is usually made up of the honoree's family and friends. That's especially true with older Scouts who may not be well known to the guys in the new Scout patrol.Of course, you have to invite family and friends; they won't hear about the court of honor in the troop newsletter. As early as possible in the planning process-even before... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2011-10-08Eagle Tip - Of Calendars and Conflicts
I was working with a Scout and his dad recently to set a date for his Eagle court of honor. They suggested the first Saturday in May, which would have been just fine except that we live in Louisville, Ky., where the Kentucky Derby is held on-you guessed it-the first Saturday in May, making that day a major holiday in these parts.You probably don't have to worry about that particular scheduling conflict, but you... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2011-10-06The Mighty Patrol Patch
Boy Scout patrols play an important roll in boosting spirit while giving opportunities for leadership, skill development, and advancement. Patrol patches often celebrate unique activities of the patrol and are embroidered with some fantastic art that fits within its small space. To meet the BSA requirements for uniform wear, patrol patches must be 2 inches round with a khaki background, khaki merrowed boarder, and use no more than three thread colors. Originally patrols took... [More]
By: Jason White On: 2011-10-04Eagle Tips - Removing Barriers
Your courts of honor are undoubtedly open to all comers-but can everybody come? Is the facility where you're holding the ceremony free of barriers that could keep out wheelchair users and others with disabilities? I thought about those questions when planning a court of honor a few years back. The honoree's grandfather used a wheelchair, and I needed to make sure he could get in and out of the building and have a place... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2011-10-01Eagle Tips - Going On Location
Let's play a little game. Think about a location where you often attend meetings or ceremonies (perhaps the sanctuary in your place of worship or the conference room at your office). Got it? Good. Now, answer these questions: Where are the light switches? How do you control the central heating or air conditioning? What about the sound system? Is the room accessible to wheelchair users? What's the seating capacity of the room? How would you... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2011-09-29