I don’t know about the Scouts in your troop, but the Scouts in my troop are busy—very busy. In order to offer them a little bit of scheduling sanity, we try to practice good time management whenever possible. For example, the troop doesn’t meet on the third Thursday of each month; instead, that night is reserved for patrol leaders’ council meetings and boards of review, freeing up at least one night a month for Scouts and adults alike.
So what does that have to do with Eagle courts of honor? Glad you asked! This Saturday, we’re sandwiching a court of honor in between a service project (Scouting for Food) and a fundraiser (setting up our Christmas tree stand). It’ll be a long, busy day, but the compensation is that we won’t have anything going on during Thanksgiving week. (Plus, we’re feeding everybody lunch!)
Scheduling your courts of honor like this can work—with one caveat: Be sure the key players in the court of honor aren’t also key players in the day’s other events!
Reprinted with permission. These tips come from a free list service. For more information please visit http://www.eaglebook.com