What the uniform means to me
The uniform is an important part of the Scouting experience and not in the military sense. It makes us stand out and show off the progress the boys have made during their Scouting experience. It also teaches the boys to take care of their uniform and how to wear it correctly, skills they will apply when they are an adult and have to take care of and wear appropriate cloths for different occasions.Since I have... [More]
By: Steve O'Connor On: 2010-09-30Fuzzy and Scout Sept 2010
Hi all, Fuzzy and Scout here. How have you been the past month? It seems already sooooo long ago that we had our summer holidays, and our summer camp :( In fact it summer seems a long time ago already, as it is turning colder already. But with the colder weather and it turning dark early in the night now it brings new challenges too, like night games with our torches and nature... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-09-29Rope Box – What’s In The Box
When I was still a teenager I started working at the local Scout Camps teaching Pioneering merit badge. The camps supply of material was lacking in those days, so I started creating my own stock inside a trunk. As you can see this one box holds a lot of stuff. Including of course synthetic rope, natural rope, string, stakes, a pulley, s hooks, carabineers, gloves, etc.In this one box is enough material to lash together... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-09-27Sharpening the Knife - Scout Is Reverent
I am republishing this with permission... it just took me many months to do so, as I was given this back in February. Looks around innocently, good things I was looking through my email... Hope you like it... Here is the mini-sermon my 11-year-old son gave in Children's Sunday School. My son crossed over to Boy Scouts in December. He went to Winter Camp 3 weeks later and earned 3 Eagle Required Merit Badges...and is... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-09-25Interview With Author Mark Ray
Recently, I had the honor of interviewing Mark Ray, the author of “The Eagle Court of Honor Book” and “The Scoutmaster's Other Handbook”. You can find more information about these books at http://www.eaglebook.com. Lets just get rolling with some questionsCan you tell us a little bit about when you were a Scout? What did you do for you Eagle Project? Do you have any embarrassing moments as a Scout? What were your greatest highlights, favorite... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-09-23Camp Lanterns
For some people, light in camp is a big deal. Camp light can range from a simple flashlight, a campfire, a battery lantern, a gas lantern, and many other options. This post is going to be about lanterns. In this photo you can see two gas lanterns stored in two different type containers, and two battery lanterns.The gas lanterns put off more light, but are also harder to use. You have to screw on the... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-09-20Homemade Gear Shelving
I grew up as an Air Force Brat, moving every few years and not being permanently attached to a house. So when it came time to create a way to store gear in the garage, well this experience played a roll.As you can see in this photo, the shelving unit is made up planks of wood, and bricks. All you do is stand up a few bricks on the floor, lay a board across the... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-09-18Tips on controlling a meeting full of hyper scouts
The Den Meeting has started and all of the sudden the boys are bouncing off the wall and seem to out in front of everything. Maybe your first reaction is to panic and head for the door, your second reaction is to start raising your voice and try to get control again, both are understandable. How would I handle it, I will answer this from the view point as a new leader and experienced den... [More]
By: Steve O'Connor On: 2010-09-16Interview With Torey McCleskey - Amazing Eagle Scout
I read a newspaper article about how you built a reef for your Eagle Project. Can you tell us how and why you came up with making a reef? What did you learn from doing the project? How many Scouts did you have helping you?I chose to build an artificial reef system because as an avid S.C.U.B.A. Diver of eight years, i have seen firsthand how our world's reefs are declining and that they need... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-09-13Interesting Reading On Scouting History
This text comes as a result of a post on a Scouting Mailing List. This information (and lot more comes) from the following site http://www.fundinguniverse.com/company-histories/The-Boy-Scouts-of-America-Company-History.htm Although many ideas were incorporated into the Boy Scouts of America, a chance encounter on a foggy London night in 1909 connected all the threads. Chicago publisher William D. Boyce was on his way to a safari in Africa. On a layover in London, he became lost and was... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2010-09-11