Admittedly, I didn't earn my Bobcat - both of my boys earned theirs. I am truly bursting with pride for them because I know how hard they worked to achieve this milestone in their Scouting path.
They quizzed each other during our daily home/school commutes on the Cub Scout salute, the Scout handshake, the Boy Scout Promise and the Boy Scout Law. They read their handbooks without needing a reminder (mostly). Six months ago my boys wouldn't take the initiative to put away a book, much less voluntarily read one! I whole-heartedly thanks Scouting for this!
Unfortunately I was unable to attend their Bobcat ceremony (ever a mom, I had to stay home and take care of their sister who came down with the flu). The Pack awarded me with two Bobcat pins, in recognition of my boys' achievements; I hang it proudly with my most prized possessions.
This weekend the boys and I are working together to deliver popcorn orders and making projects for their first badge, Artist. As we work on the badge, I learn more and more about the boys and their interests. I think Boy Scouts is having a profound effect not only on my sons, but also on me and our family dynamic.
Thank you, BSA!
In Scouting,