Fun Facts - Eagle Tips
A friend of mine is a church music director, and so he attends a lot of weddings. Whenever someone asks what he thought of a particular wedding, he says, “It was beautiful. I cried.” A stock response is often appropriate since weddings can take on a sameness that hides the personality of the happy couple. Unless you know the bride and groom well, you can go home knowing little more about them than you did... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2014-05-13Spray On Sunscreen
Ted MclaughlinOk, here's a topic that hopefully everyone on this list can relate to.I took our camp's overnight canoe trip out on Wednesday. As we were about to put in one of the campers handed out his sunscreen and just said everyone could use it as he had plenty of extras. When it came to me I looked at it and thought I'd give it a try. It was the spray on type, (sorry I... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2014-05-10Feb Fuzzy & Scout
Hi all, Your favourite bear cubs here. We thought it was time to let you all know what has been going on in our lives. Well apart from the obvious as Scout still loves all things cocoa and Fuz still tries to outcook 5 star chefs. First of all we have moved to a nicer, better cave with a really nice kitchen. Also we have done some winter camping, although Scout did not think it... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2014-02-09Sing Along for Halloween
Here is a sing along for those who may be doing a Halloween theme pack meeting. It is one of those echo type song. This is from the Fisher-Price Halloween Sing Along CD. The other day (audience repeat: The other day) I met a ghoul, (audience repeat: I met a ghoul) A great big ghoul (audience repeat: A great big ghoul) Outside my school. (audience repeat: Outside my school) Leaders and audience together: The other... [More]
By: Insane Scouter On: 2013-10-08Scouting Thomas
I recently had the chance to talk with Steve Belkin one of the brilliant minds behind Scouting Thomas, a Scouting & camping related mobile app. What is the Scouting Thomas AppScouting Thomas is an animated app geared toward elementary school aged kids approximately 4-12. The app is intended to educate and entertain kids about the respect and enjoyment of the great outdoors, teamwork and safety. It features the fictional "Campout Scouts" and the character members... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2013-09-17SM Tip - Connect With Special Merit Badge Opportunities
The Scoutmaster’s Other Handbook has always included a section on merit badge programs at museums, and I’ve long maintained that the best counselors are men and women who have a passion for a badge’s subject matter. (Scouters who are a chapter or two ahead in the merit badge pamphlet just can’t offer the same experience.)Case in point: the Engineering merit badge program at the Harley-Davidson Museum in Milwaukee ( I can’t think of a better... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2013-08-14Eagle Tip - Picture This, Part 2
My last tip introduced Wikimedia Commons, a source for (usually) free images that you can use in court of honor programs and slideshows. It’s not the only source for free photos online, of course. Another, and my personal favorite, is Stock.XCHNG, whose URL is the odd The site features hundreds of photos of eagles, mountains, and other images that would be appropriate for courts of honor and other Scouting uses. In most cases, the... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2013-08-07Eagle Tip - Picture This, Part 1
Like most things in our world, Eagle courts of honor have become multimedia affairs in recent years. For example, slick (and easily produced) slideshows do a great job of chronicling the journey new Eagle Scouts have taken since their Cub Scout days.But you might want to include other pictures in your ceremonies or printed programs, such as photos of bald eagles or American flags. Where can you find such photos? A great place to start... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2013-07-31Washing Dishes
Most people are not aware of how to wash dishes while camping. Scouts definitely are not a dishwasher! So they should be aware of how to wash dishes by hand in camp. It is important to practice proper dish washing techniques in order to maintain healthy scouts. It can be refreshing and enjoyable to wash dishes, shifts eyes around, yeah uhm....Materials needed for washing your dishes: 3 sets of plastic wash basins, pans, etc Dish... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2013-07-29Eagle Scout Scholarships
Are you an Eagle Scout, there are many college grants for you. Being an Eagle Scout Scholar, like any prospective college student, requires a lot of work. For starters, you will need to apply with granting organization.There are many organizations that make grants available for Eagle Scouts. Here are some of them: The National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) is a society of men who attained the Eagle Scout rank and who trust to engage their... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2013-07-27