Selecting Knives
This is part one of a three part series written by Jon Melick in Quincy MA who is an Eagle Scout, Vigil in the Order of Arrow, and Assistant Scoutmater with Troop 20. I would like to personally thank him for allowing us to republish his "Wood Tools" document.Over the years, I have seen many publications which tell the reader how to use a knife, axe or hatchet, or saw; but I have not seen... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2013-07-01Simple Wood Tools Safety Rules
I would like to thank Jon Melick in Quincy MA for granting us permission to republish this. High 5...Make sure that your woods tool is sharp and in excellent condition. If it isn’t, fix it. DON’T USE IT ANYWAY. Make sure that nothing is within your “bubble” except you and the wood which you are cutting. Good tool control will do much more for you than sheer muscle ever will. You want to cut wood,... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2013-06-29SM Tip - From the Sports Page to the Scoutmaster Minute, Part 2
My previous tip talked about finding Scoutmaster minutes in the sports section of your daily newspaper. Of course, any sportscast on TV is probably good for one or two Scoutmaster minutes, as are shows like ESPN’s SportsCenter.Another great resource is the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, which posts sports-themed devotionals at One I read recently talked about women’s basketball star Maya Moore’s humility; another addressed the time swimmer Michael Phelps was photographed smoking marijuana.Given the... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2013-06-26Announcing the Guide to Advancement 2013
This post was taking from a series on the Scouts-l mailing list. Please let us know what you think, of anything that may be missing or wrong, etc on facebook.Now that I got your attention. Let me introduce you to the new Guide to Advancement 2013. READ ALL THE BULLET POINTS YOU MAY BE SURPRISED!Announcing the Guide to Advancement 2013 Over the past two years, the 2011 Guide to Advancement has proven its worth as... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2013-06-24Reflections
Hello Fellow Scouters and Friends,This Scouting year is nearing the end, but beginning of Summer activities and camp. My youngest son has already made Tenderfoot after just bridging into his Troop. The Special Needs Troop the local District asked me to start is gaining traction and taking form.I have been looking at what has worked and what hasn't this Scouting year and I have made decisions to make my Scouting responsibilities more focused. I have... [More]
By: Steve O'Connor On: 2013-06-22SM Tip - From the Sports Page to the Scoutmaster Minute, Part 1
This has been a great sports week here in Louisville. It started with the Louisville Cardinals winning the NCAA basketball championship and ended with the premier of “42,” a biopic about Jackie Robinson in which a Louisvillian, Pee Wee Reese, plays an important supporting role.So what does that all have to do with Scouting? Those stories—like stories that appear on the sports page nearly every day—are great sources for Scoutmaster minutes. They offer larger-than-life examples... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2013-06-19Choosing A Knife for a Webelos 1
A recent question appeared from a parent on Scouts-L asking what knife they should get for a Webelos 1 Scout. I know this post is a bit long but I am sure it will be helpful to many of you. What follows is the parents question.I volunteered to be an assistant den leader for my son's Weeblos one den. He (my son) is ready for his own pocket knife and my husband and I are... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2013-06-17Boy Scout leader dies
I saw on the news about a Boy Scout Leader who died while hiking at Lake Mead. The Park Service rescue the 5 Scouts and recovered his body down the trail. This happened June 8, 2013. You can find the full news article here.Here are my two cents...I live in Las Vegas and this whole thing seems kind of odd too me. Lake Mead is hotter then Vegas, usually by 5 to 10 degrees depending... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2013-06-15Save the Date--and Time - Eagle Tip
This week, I received one of those “save the date” postcards that are increasingly popular for weddings these days. The wedding will be held next May 10 at … well, the card didn’t say.Given that May 10 is a Friday, I can assume an evening wedding, but it would have been nice if the time had been included on the postcard. I’m pretty sure the time has been set.Now, I don’t think “save the date”... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2013-05-30Stay out of the Risk Zone - smtip
How many people are killed each day by distracted drivers? What’s the most important factor in towing a trailer? How can drivers combat drowsy driving? Why are 15-passenger vans more susceptible to rollovers than other vehicles?Those are just some of the questions addressed in Transporting Scouts Safely, a supplemental training module that you can access at If you don’t know the answers, you should review the syllabus. If other drivers in your troop don’t... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2013-05-23