While an Eagle court of honor is a troop function, a large part of the audience is usually made up of the honoree's family and friends. That's especially true with older Scouts who may not be well known to the guys in the new Scout patrol.
Of course, you have to invite family and friends; they won't hear about the court of honor in the troop newsletter. As early as possible in the planning process-even before the Eagle board of review-get your address book up to date. Make a list of people who should be invited (from aunts and grandparents to former teachers and den leaders), then track down their current postal and/or email addresses. Taking care of this drudgework ahead of time can greatly reduce your stress level when it's time to send out invitations.
Republished with permission, These tips come from the tips list is a free service for more information, visit www.eaglebook.com.