Here is a sing along for those who may be doing a Halloween theme pack meeting. It is one
of those echo type song. This is from the Fisher-Price Halloween Sing Along CD.
The other day
(audience repeat: The other day)
I met a ghoul,
(audience repeat: I met a ghoul)
A great big ghoul
(audience repeat: A great big ghoul)
Outside my school.
(audience repeat: Outside my school)
Leaders and audience together:
The other day
I met a ghoul
A great big ghoul
Outside my school
Continue song in the same fashion.
And so I ran
Into my school,
And told my friends
About the ghoul.
He followed me
Into the school,
And sat beside
Me on a stool.
He tried to talk
But he just "boo"-ed,
And all the kids
Said, "Hey that's rude!"
He didn't mean
To be that way,
And so he said,
"Please let me stay."
And so they said,
"OK with us
But you can't make
Any more fuss."