New Scouting Year for a New Cub Scout Roundtable Commissoner
Hello Everyone,Hope the Summer was good to you and welcome to another year of Scouting. Last year I was asked to take over my District's Roundtable and as part of that organizing the Cub Scout side.Tonight was the first Roundtable of the new Scouting Year. My staff and I knew what was going to happen and had confidence in the new program. District Leadership supported me and didn't know what to expect.What did we do?... [More]
By: Steve O'Connor On: 2012-12-11SM Tip: Mind Your Own Business … or Else
Submitted by Raymond GrayWay back in January, I offered a suggestion for breaking adult leaders of the habit of undermining youth leaders. The idea was to create a variation of a cuss jar, charging a fine of 25� (or whatever the market will bear) for each infraction. Proceeds would go toward a pizza party for the patrol leaders’ council.Raymond Gray from Austin suggested an alternative, which a troop in his area uses. The troop keeps... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2012-12-08Setting the Trip Up On Your Own…Easy? Not a Chance.
Now that you have won the lottery and have your travel options laid out in front of you - what will you choose?? There are many difficulties about setting this trip up on your own…from cost to safety to reliability. Let’s break down each option and look into their pros and cons.Option #1: You can rent vehicles and camp on your way to Philmont. This sounds cheap and easy, but it isn’t. Remember a... [More]
By: Blue Sky Adventures On: 2012-12-07Two Scouts collecting hickory nuts & a cemetery
Two boy scouts went on a nature hike in the hills picking hickory nuts. Along the way, they filled their small pails and then started to fill their pockets and shirts. When they could hold no more nuts, they started down the country road until they came across a cemetery. The boys decided that would be a good place to stop and rest and divide out the nuts. The two boys sat in the shade... [More]
By: Insane Scouter On: 2012-12-06Are You HIP? - SM Tip
Submitted by Mark WoodworthMy last tip introduced the acronym CFD, which stands for Confusion, Frustration, and Danger, the only times adult leaders should interfere with the Scout-led troop program. That tip prompted subscriber Mark Woodworth to share an acronym he uses in San Diego’s Troop 271.Mark likes to tell leaders and parents to be HIP, which stands for Hands In Pockets. As he explained in an email, “This keeps them from jumping in and folding... [More]
By: Insane Scouter On: 2012-12-04SM Tip: End Runs and Dead Ends
More often than I’d like, I hear of troops making end runs around BSA safety rules. If they want to do an activity that the Guide to Safe Scouting prohibits – riding dirt bikes, for example, or going boating without following Safety Afloat policies – they do the activity as a “group of friends.” They don’t wear uniforms and they don’t file a tour plan, but everybody on the trip, which is promoted at troop... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2012-12-01How Do You Get To Philmont?
You have to win the lottery! Once you win a crew slot in the Philmont lottery, the Journey begins. You have three options for getting to the Southwest to begin your adventure. Traveling with a group of Scouts is a challenge so this is an important part of your planning process. Trust us, you don’t want your crew to arrive at Philmont exhausted and annoyed. That is no way to begin a 100 mile hike…especially... [More]
By: Blue Sky Adventures On: 2012-11-30Is it Webelos, Webelo or WEBELOES
The following comes from our friend Mike Walton who is also involved with the project. The BSA for the longest of time has said that when we talk about ONE Cub Scout in the 4th/5th grade program, he is called a "WEBELOS" Cub Scout ("We-buh-los" or "Web-los"). And yeah, while a long time ago the acroymn (which is why it is spelled in ALL CAPS like WEBELOS instead of combination ("Webelos") )meant "Wolf-Bear-... [More]
By: Insane Scouter On: 2012-11-29Ramblings of a new Webelos 2 Den Leader Part 3
This weekend my W2s joined a local Troop for Fall Camporee in Shepherdstown, WV. We hiked 7 miles through historic Antietam and learned a great deal about the battle, but the boys learned even more about camp cooking, chores and were able to participate in a camp-wide flag ceremony. I think they were a little overwhelmed, truth be told.Before I go on, please note that I have not had the opportunity to camp with the... [More]
By: Scott Robertson On: 2012-11-28The Summit Bechtel Reserve
The Summit, the Boy Scouts of America's next high adventure base and the permanent home of the National Scout Jamboree. From their youtube page on this video: Surrounded by world class white water rafting, kayaking, rock climbing, mountain biking and more, The Summit Bechtel Reserve is nestled on more than 10,000 acres adjacent to the New River Gorge, West Virginia. This facility will be the newest High Adventure™ Base as well as the permanent home... [More]
By: Insane Scouter On: 2012-11-27