Doin' What Comes Naturally

Folks are dumb where I come from,
they aint had any learnin'
Still they're happy as can be,
Doin what comes natur'lly.  [x 2]

Sister Sal who's musical has never had a lesson,
Still she's learned to sing off key,
Doin what comes natur'lly.  [x 2]

You don't have to know how to read or write
When you're out with a feller in the pale moonlight.
You don't have to come from a great big town
Not to go picking berries in an evening gown
That comes natur'lly.  [x 2]

My uncle out in Texas can't even write his name,
He signs his cheques with X's, but they cash them just the same.
Grandpa Dick was always sick but never saw a doctor,
He just died at 93,
Doin what comes natur'lly.  [x 2]


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