This weekend my W2s joined a local Troop for Fall Camporee in Shepherdstown, WV. We hiked 7 miles through historic Antietam and learned a great deal about the battle, but the boys learned even more about camp cooking, chores and were able to participate in a camp-wide flag ceremony. I think they were a little overwhelmed, truth be told.
Before I go on, please note that I have not had the opportunity to camp with the guys yet. That said, I really got the feeling at Camporee that the boys haven’t been expected to be very hands-on before now. I will say this for them though: they helped and went hands-on with full steam and gusto. I was so proud!
The boys came away with long branches they are stripping and preparing for walking sticks. They learned basic knot tying in the EDGE (explain, demonstrate, guide, enable) method and – to my sheer joy – they came away from the camporee with the desire to teach their W1 counterparts what they learned.
Was it a long day? Sure. But was it a great day? Without a doubt!
What activity have you recently done with your Scouts?
In Scouting,