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Sample Reading From the Days of Brownsea Island ...Here's an example of some of the brief readings that are done before one of our classes. Usually read by one of our youth Staff members to the class before we begin:MORE ON BROWNSEA ISLAND THE QUESTION IS SOMETIMES ASKED, WHICH WAS ...
Court of Honor Ranks Ceremonies
At a recent Court of Honor, we read the following Rank Descriptions" before calling the boys & their parents up to receive their badges and pins. The descriptions were originally written by one of our leaders so they haven't appeared anywhere before. You're welcome to copy & paste the material ...
Custom Coasters
Personalize your drink coasters with this excellent themed craft. Your kids can customize them for special occasions like New Year, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and more. What you'll need: Graphics software (Avery Kids Printertainment works well) Color printer duplicate checker Avery Kids #03111 Square Stickers Photos, ...
Firemn Chit Course
Firem'n Chit Course Objective: Instruct students on proper use and safety of heat sources Introduction What is the Firem’n Chit Requirements of What does the Firem’n Chit Cover Outdoor Code The Main Course Three things a fire must have Science of Fire Types of wood Fire Layouts Fire usage ...
Links and Stuff
You can develop & customize your own JLT course with the help of these links The following is a list of useful links that I have compiled. If you wish to be added to this list, please click on add link. Before we get ...

More Training Tips
New JLT text & Class materialFellow Scouters are sending me new ideas all the time. I'll be sharing the new stuff with you soonThink of the 'Forum" for your thoughts on TrainingThe Norwegian Waddle Race This very neat team-building idea was sent to me by a fellow Scouter. We plan ...

OTHER PLANET FLAG CEREMONY Cubmaster is in astronaut gear, den chiefs/den leaders dressed as aliens. The Cubmaster is trying to put the flag on this new planet. The aliens are curious about what he is doing and ask him lots of questions. What is ...

Troop JLT Course Page Five
HOW TO TALK TO ADULTS Here are some hints on how to talk with adults so they listen and understand you. You'll find this helpful if you are or someday will be a junior leader. Believe it or not, some adults are scared of kids. This will also help if ...
Troop JLT Course Page Four
THE QUALITIES OF 'FOLLOWERSHIP'! What are the qualities of a good follower? Think of the people in your Troop who get the job done. You'll likely find they have some characteristics in common. The List Below is far from complete but it provides something to think about. A GOOD FOLLOWER accepts direction ...

Troop JLT Course Page Three
JUNIOR LEADER HANDBOOK Chapter 1 "THERE ARE SOME LEADERS IN THE TROOP WHICH ARE ELECTED...SOME ARE APPOINTED" You never know when you'll be called upon to step into a 'Leadership' position. You may or may NOT see it coming. There are times when adults need to promote a Scout to a Staff ...

Troop JLT Course Page Two
WHAT IS LEADERSHIP? This was something I picked up recently from an Order of the Arrow website which featured a Leadership Course. I thought it was worthy of sharing it with you and I think a pretty good Leader Class can be made out of the material TEN QUALITIES OF LEADERSHIP Leaders ...