1. White candles for each cub
2. Paper circles to place at bottom of the candle to catch wax
3. Matches
1. Cubmaster
2. Den leaders and Assistant Cubmaster.
3. Wolf candidates
Request wolfs to come forward
ASSISTANT CUBMASTER- give each cub a white candle.
(dim lights at this time)
CUBMASTER:- The candle may stand for many things. Tonight the candle stands for the cub scouts' willingness to learn.
(request den leaders and asst. To come forward.)
CUBMASTER: We now request that our leaders light each Cub Scout's candle of willingness to learn. This is something that each leader has done in order to help the cub scout along the cub scout path.
(leaders then stand behind the boys)
CUBMASTER: We now ask the wolves to form a circle. The circle stands for unity and strength that is obtained from the cub scout spirit. We now ask you to join your candles together into one flame. You have now pledged to do your best through the cub scout trail. Leaders, please join your cubs in the scouting spirit. As you will notice the flame will become larger. This is the spirit that you will receive as your den learns to depend on each other.
(ask cubs to blow out their candles)
CUBMASTER: No matter how hard someone tries to blow out your candle, you will always be a scout.
(ask cubs to return to a straight line)
Ask parents to come forward and stand behind their cub. Read aloud one at a time each wolf's name as leaders give scout rank, card, and shake hand.
Call for applause.