2 lb Dry pinto beans (about 5 cups)
1/2 lb Salt pork; cut in chunks (optional)
2 ts Salt (up to 5)
1/4 ts Black ground pepper
Search beans for tooth-breaking pebbles. Wash beans well with water to remove dust and soak overnight in plenty of clean water or cover beans with boiling water, cover with a lid and let stand 1 hour to soak. Place beans in a large Dutch oven, cover with additional water, add salt pork, cover, and cook over a bed of very hot coals. Kindling may need to be added to coals to start beans boiling. After beans start to boil, cook beans covered over low to medium-hot coals. When beans are soft, add salt and pepper to taste, cover and let simmer until ready to serve.
*If salt pork is used, less salt is needed. If salt pork is not used, add 1 teaspoon of bacon drippings or other fat per cup of dried beans to prevent foaming and add flavor.