Sept 1 2009 Newsletter

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September 14, 2009

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Sept 14, 2009 Updates


1) The 2 week contest has drawn to an end and it is time to pick our next winner. Is it you?

Drum roll please ....... This winner is


Please contact me to arrange to receive your prizes. You will get to pick either "Scout Camp, The Movie" DVD, one of the Blue Sky Kitchen books or a Scout Manage Account for 1 year as well as one of the gift codes.


2) The second contest is coming soon. It will be a lightning round, lasting just 36 hours. It will take place on Twitter and Facebook only. I will post a tweet which will also show on Facebook. From that point you will have 36 hours to tell others about ScoutBot. You are free to use any text you wish, the more catchy the better. However the link and hash code used must stay the same. Which ever post catches my eye will win.

You will get to pick either "Scout Camp, The Movie" DVD, one of the Blue Sky Kitchen books or a Scout Manage Account for 1 year as well as one of the gift codes.


3) Please take just a few minutes to complete our survey at Your response will truly help us to improve InsaneScouter ... I am on my knees bagging you, pleading with you... I will bribe you with virtual binary candy, ok not really. Seriously you will be helping me a ton by taking the survey so please do so right now! (or at least as soon as possible!)


4) It takes a lot of time and a pretty penny to keep InsaneScouter running. The revenue generated by the ads really do help keep us online, but in all honesty just barely. With the current economy and the fact that I am currently unemployed it is becoming a struggle to keep everything up and running, let alone to move forward. What I am hoping is that you like the site enough to drop something into our virtual tip jar.


5) If you are not doing so already, follow us on Twitter at and on Facebook at


6) If you are not already doing so, please take a few minutes to promote InsaneScouter. You can find some easy ways to do this on you existing websites at


7) I am working on a "Today In Scouting" history idea. I need help adding dates and events to the Google spreadsheet located at ... Please help add events. I have some cool plans for this data.


New Content


Home > Resources > Activities > Songs

Tune: SupercalifragilisticChorus:SuperCalifornianExpertSurferOfTheOcean,Even though most all of them won’t use a suntan lotionWhen they hit the waves too hardThey sure do cause commotion.SuperCalifornianEspertSurferOfTheOcean,Hum, diddle, diddle, diddleHum, diddle, I (up half-tone)Hum, diddle, diddle, diddleHum, diddle, IBecause I was afraid to surfWhen I was just a ladMy father took my board awayAnd told me I was badBut then one day I learned a...
Home > Resources > Activities > Games

This game must be played in an area with boundary lines. For each net you will need four boysholding hands forming a circle. You will need one boy to be the animal. Each group consistsof four boys and one boy who is the animal and does not want that team to catch him. Make asmany nets and animals as you...
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Desserts

Cake mix and ingredients to make cake white frostingAnimal crackers gumdropsSilver DrageesPrepare and bake cake according to package directions for a 13 x 9” pan. Let cool in pan for 10minutes and then invert onto a serving tray, let finish cooling. Frost and decorate....
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Alternative

6 large lemons 1 c sugar2 qt cold waterSlice the lemons in half and squeeze each of them into a large measuring cup. This should yieldabout 1 ½ cups of juice. Remove any seeds. In a large pitcher, combine the juice and sugar. Stirin 2 quarts of cold water. Serve over ice. (For a nice touch, place mint leaves in...
Home > Resources > Activities > Games

Hang a megaphone so that it slightly tilted with the mouthpiece downand the large end toward the players. Have a basket or other receptacleto catch peanuts as they fall through the megaphone. Each player is giveten peanuts. He tries to toss them into the elephant’s open mouth (themegaphone’s large end) while standing eight to ten feet away. The playerwho scores...
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Desserts

1 frozen banana 1 c orange juice2-3 tbsp peanut butter, chunky or smoothCombine the frozen banana, peanut butter, and orange juice in a blender or food processor. Blenduntil creamy. Serves 1...
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Desserts

2 8 oz containers strawberry-banana yogurt 1 /3 c cold milk3 tbsp honey 2 tbsp frozen orange juice concentratePlace all ingredients in blender and blend, covered until smooth and frothy. Serve immediately inthree tall chilled glasses...
Home > Resources > Activities > Pre-Openings

Give the boys a list of animal names that have been scrambled.aeffgir (giraffe)adelopr (leopard)ilno (lion)aeegllz (gazelle)ekmnoy (monkey)hnopty (python)egirt (tiger)aeehlnpt (elephant)aber (bear)aceeht (cheetah)aberz (zebra)aehny (hyena)     ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Games

Materials: A brown balloon and a paper plate for each player, permanentmarkers. Give each boy a blown up balloon and have them decorate them likemonkeys with markers. Let dry. Create start and finish lines. Divide the groupinto teams. The teams line up relay style. The first boy races to the finish lineand back, keeping his balloon monkey perched on a...
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Desserts

For each serving you will need:1 resealable sandwich bag 12 ice cubes1 quart sized resealable bag 1 tsp vanilla1 cup whole milk 1 tbsp sugar2 tbsp saltPour milk, vanilla, and sugar into small bag and seal. Put icecubes, and salt into big bag, add small bag and seal. Shake bag,but don’t drop it. In about 10 minutes you should notice...
Home > Resources > Activities > Pre-Openings

Set up an obstacle course (backyard gym) with the jungle theme. Ideas include:Quicksand: set a blanket across a section to leap overPoisonous vines: tape a towel in a doorway to crawl underBat cave: bring together a few chairs and throw a blanket over them for crawling underCrocodile territory: put tape on the floor to walk on (crocodiles on either side)Spider...
Home > Resources > Activities > Games

Form a circle (big as you need). Objective is to be the last person left in the circle.The game is played by counting around the circle from one person to the next starting with thenumber one. But anytime you hit a number with a SEVEN in it you must say “BUZZ.”If you do not say “BUZZ” when you should or...
Home > Resources > Activities > Games

Have the boys play pocket billiards.Set up the general outline of the table on the floor (rug or hard floor) using scrap 1X2 boards andmake pockets in the corners and sides (openings with paper cups taped to them). Have the boysuse ping-pong balls (of different colors) to play.          ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Pre-Openings

Place the name of an animal on the back of each boy. Boys have toask questions to identify what they are, then find another with thesame animal.          ...
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Lunch

Hot dogs refrigerated biscuitsHeat oven to 450 °. Roll dough about ¼ inch thick into rectangular shape. Cut into 4x3 inchrectangles wrap around a hotdog letting ends peek out. Bake 15 minutes....
Home > Resources > Activities > Pre-Openings

Provide a list of items a boy might have in his pocket to each participant. Try to find someonewith that in their pocket. Examples: marble, coin, paper clip, trading card, ball, gum, candy,pencil, etc.     ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Games

This one is regular tag except the boys have to run with one hand in a back pocket (or if it seemstoo easy and can be done safely, two hands!)....
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Lunch

Bagels, sliced cream cheese, softenedAssorted toppings, such as baby carrots, cherry tomato halves, sliced bell peppers, poppy seeds,cucumbers, minced chives, and crunchy Chinese noodlesSpread the cream cheese on the cut bagels. Set out bowls of vegetables and crunchy noodles andlet the kids turn the bagels into animals....
Home > Resources > Activities > Pre-Openings

Using masking tape, create a design on the floor/sidewalk. Boys then try to shoot their marblesinto the shape. How many marbles can they get to stay inside?     ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Games

For Pocket Kim’s Game, have the boys empty their pockets on the table. Ifthere aren’t enough things on the table, have some pocket items to add; ifthere are too many, give back some of the repeat items. Give the boys a fewminutes to study the collection and then cover them. Give each one a sheetto write out whatever he can...
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Lunch

2 c. cooked chicken 1 c. miracle whip ½ c. chopped green onions1 tsp. poultry seasoning 2 c. red grapes-cut in half 1 c. celery½ c. slivered almondsMix, chill, serve in a pita bread....
Home > Resources > Activities > Pre-Openings

Make amazing white on blue prints with your favorite leaves. Just place leaves,ferns, flowers, shells, or whatever you choose, onphotosensitive paper and place it in the sun. Removethe objects after a couple of minutes; rinse thepaper to “fix” it....
Home > Resources > Activities > Games

Set up a maze with string tied around trees, over, under, and through garden furniture to deadends, switch-backs, around-in-circles, and finally to the finish line. Use lots of string.Each blindfolded player has to find his way to the finish line by feeling his way along the string.Have some string end at a knot on a tree (dead end), or have...
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Lunch

¼ c ricotta cheese 2 tbsp grated mozzarella cheese2 tbsp grated provolone cheese 2 tsp grated parmesan cheese1/8 tsp dried basil pinch of dried oreganoDash of black pepper 1 pita breadPreheat the oven to 350 °F. In a bowl, stir together the cheeses, basil, oregano, and pepper. Cut thebread halfway around the edge and fill with the cheese mixture. Wrap...
Home > Resources > Activities > Pre-Openings

A twist on the traditional game. To tag a person out you must step in their shadow. This can betricky, depending on the time of day you play. Set a 2 minute limit for being it to keep varietyup.          ...
Home > Resources > Activities > Games

This can be played indoors or outdoors. For indoor play, use a rubber ball. Foroutdoor play, use a soccer ball. Form two teams and set them up as a foosballtable. Players all hold hands in their respective rows. Now the only way theycan kick the ball is by going side-to-side without letting go of the hands of theplayers in their...
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Lunch

2 c tiny broccoli florets 2 c grated Colby Jack cheese2 c chicken breast, cooked and diced olive oil for brushingbread doughBlanch the broccoli in boiling water for 3 minutes, then place in a bowl of cold water to stopfurther cooking. Remove and pat dry. Heat the oven to 450 °. Lightly grease a baking sheet. Dividethe bread dough into...
Home > Resources > Activities > Games

Someone, who is designated as “IT” pursues the other players and tries to touch one of them.When one has been touched, he must keep his hand on the spot where he was touched and pursuethe others. His hand cannot be freed from this spot until he has tagged someone else. The idea isto tag players in inconvenient places - knee,...
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Lunch

Bread butterEggsFor the slice of bread, take out the center with a round cookie cutter. Butter bread on both sides,place in frying pan and brown on one side; turn bread over; put egg in center hole and cook untilset....
Home > Resources > Activities > Pre-Openings

Create cards with items the boys might find if they went to the beach. Use fish crackers, Swedishfish or seashells as markers....
Home > Resources > Activities > Pre-Openings

Using mirrors, have the boys reflect light to hit a target in a dark place or shady location. Tomake it trickier, have them use multiple mirrors (one per boy) to make it go in multiple directionsbefore hitting the target...
Home > Resources > Activities > Games

Balance a wet sponge on your head and run to and back from a goal. If you dropthe sponge you must return to the front of your line and start over again. Theteam to have all players do this first wins.     ...
Home > Resources > The Outdoors > Cooking > Lunch

Ingredients:Celery RaisinsPeanut ButterWash celery; spread peanut butter in celery groove; cover with raisin “ants.”...
Home > Resources > Activities > Pre-Openings

Provide the boys with water squirters (bathtub toys). Mark out tic-tac-toe boards on the sidewalk.The boys mark their “X” or “O” using the water squirter. Better hurry! Wait too long and yourmarks will evaporate! Once gone the square is free to be marked again by the other player....
Home > Resources > Ceremonies > Flag

Cub Scout 1: Our country is great in different ways. We would like to tell you some ofthe things that are different and that help make it great.Cub Scout 2: We call it the United States, and we are bound together by theConstitution, but in many ways we are a group of separate nations.Cub Scout 3 We practice more than...
Home > Resources > Activities > Games

You will need:A bucket of water, a tablespoon, and a plastic drinking cup for each team. Divide the players into teams. Players form parallel lines. The lead player of each line has a bucket ofwater next to him and a tablespoon in his hand. At some distance from each line is a drinking cupsitting on the ground. Lead player gets...
Home > Resources > Crafts

Make hearts for the boys to give away. Use fun foam, or cardboard as thebase. Decorate the heart with fabric, scrapbooking paper or let the Cub Scoutdecorate it with markers, crayons, or paints. Finish off the edge of the heart withlace, or ribbon. Depending on the type of materials used white glue, or hot gluemay be used. The boys could...
Home > Resources > Crafts

What you’ll need:• Coiless Safety Pin – 2 ¼”• 4mm Round Beads• “E” Beads• Safety Pins, Size 2• Pattern• Long-Nose PliersEach row hanging down is a size 2 pin with “E” beads strung on it. Open these pins and string beads following the pattern below. Keep in mind that you are stringing the beads upside-down soyou will start at the...


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Quick Stew Recipe

There has been recently a few requests for me to share some of my cooking skills. So today I decided to share my "Quick Stew" recipe ...Cook Time: 45 - 75 minsServing Size: 3-5Ingredients:1lb Stew Meat1large Onion1 Fresh Peppers (frozen or ...

Kamp Kitchen – Pots and Pans

There are many different types of pots and pans you can use for your Kamp Kitchen. In my experience, most Scout Groups use the ones that nest together. I find these are pretty good, especially the ones with no coatings - just plain aluminum. You need...

Kamp Kitchen – Stoves & Fuels

There are many ways to cook in camp, a stove is just one of the ways. I was recently reading on a forum about a Troop that does not allow stoves, all cooking has to be done using charcoal. The only problem with this, there are many parts of the count...

Interview of Garrett Batty director of Scout Camp The Movie

I recently had the chance to interview Garrett Batty, Director of Scout Camp the Movie. I hope you enjoy it and find it enlightening. Here is the interview...I understand that most of the actors are/were actually Scouts. While filming did they have ti...

Fuzzy and Scout Sept Updates

Hi all, Fuzzy here, we just got back from our summer camp. We are very tired after what has been a great week, but everything is a big mess. Tents need to be dried and cleaned, equipment needed to be put away. We did not think it was fair that the l...

Kamp Kitchen - Seasoning It All Up

We hear it all the time, go camping sleep on rocks and eat dirt. Just because we are camping and in the great outdoors does not mean what we eat should rocky and dirty or even bland. Or if your Scout are like the ones around me with loads of hot sauc...

Kamp Kitchen – Cutting it All Up

Where should I start... well as you might have guessed this section is all about knives and cutting stuff up. As I have said before... Safety First and Safety Always. The knives should always be kept clean and sharp. A dull knife is just asking for b...

Scout Camp The Movie

Scout Camp The movie synopsis...Returning to Camp Rakhouta for what may be his last camp, York Hayes (Shawn Carter, High School Musical 1, 2, 3) is determined to leave a legacy for his troop to follow. However, when the legendary "Spirit Stick&q...

Kamp Kitchen – Cooking Utensil

First I would like to ensure we all are on the same page by defining what I mean by cooking utensils. In simple terms, these are things like spoons, spatulas, tongs, turning forks, etc that we use to cook with. I will not cover knives in the post as I...

Kamp Kitchen – Personal Mess Gear

This is a pet peeve of mine. I see many Scouts go out and get those metal military mess kits that also can be used to cook in. I hate these things. Not only do I know some old-time leaders that have witnessed first hand some nasty burns as a result o...


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Blogs and Podcasts


Trail Cooking & The Outdoors
Monday in the Clouds
I woke up to what I could call a mostly free morning and Kirk encouraged me to head up into the mountains. I wasn’t sure where to go so I drove up into the clouds. Something told me to go to Sunrise at Rainier and who am I to ignore the luring so...
14 Sep 2009 | 5:18 pm

Nicks Ramblings
Scout’s Backwoods Camp
The Scouts have come back from a weekend camping at Consall with 12th Golden Hill Scouts. I couldn’t go out for the full weekend, so I went to see them on Saturday. Typically it was a lovely weekend and didn’t rain once! The idea of the camp...
14 Sep 2009 | 4:21 pm

Trail Cooking & The Outdoors
Rum and Raisin Bannock Bread
I love the photos and ideas from Baz’s blog on making Rum and Raisin Bannock Bread. Baz also this summer tried out a gluten-free bannock recipe of his making. Also, check out LiteHikers blog post on his recipe for bannock and a recipe we posted as...
14 Sep 2009 | 7:55 am

BSA Cracker Barrel
Name That Council: September 11, 2009 solution
Hear that? That’s the sweet sound of the ukulele, barely audible above the crashing surf outside your lanai. Imagining a scene this tranquil almost isn’t fair on a Monday morning at the office, but it’s not our fault. Friday’s Name That Counc...
14 Sep 2009 | 6:41 am

Scoutmaster Minute
The Scoutmaster Minute Podcast Show #40
In this show, Scoutmaster Jerry tackles a couple great topics. First, we talk about when Scouting Manifests itself in our Scouts. Then we talk about Podcasting and Social Media, we wrap it up with where the heck has Scoutmaster Jerry been? For more...
13 Sep 2009 | 10:34 pm

Scoutmaster Minute Podcast
The Scoutmaster Minute Show #40
In this show, Scoutmaster Jerry tackles a couple great topics. First, we talk about when Scouting Manifests itself in our Scouts. Then we talk about Podcasting and Social Media, we wrap it up with where the heck has Scoutmaster Jerry been? For mor...
13 Sep 2009 | 10:22 pm

Scoutmaster Minute
I wanna Hero...
I consider myself pretty lucky. I received an email today from the mother of one of my Scouts. It appears that her son was to write an essay at School. She forwarded the essay to me. I would like to share it with you. HERO ESSAY by ElyIn my opi...
13 Sep 2009 | 7:16 pm

Scouting Maniac
Trying out a new template
Please tell me what you think of the new template. I think that after 1.5 years of blogging a new blog template was in order. I still have not decided to create my own template but sometime sooner rather than later, I will work on creating a new templ...
13 Sep 2009 | 1:03 pm



Random Scout News


View all news at all news


Cub Scout pack visits 'Extreme Makeover' set (The Gleaner)
The Cub Scouts in Chapel Hill Pack 280 recently learned that there are very large ways to impact the lives of those in need -- and also smaller but still meaningful measures that make a difference....
14 Sep 2009 | 9:45 pm

Memory of Boy Scout Raises Thousands for Troop - 9&10 News
Memory of Boy Scout Raises Thousands for Troop9&10 NewsThe memory of a Boy Scout is helping a Cadillac-area troop meet its goal. Monday, the troop commemorated ten-thousand dollars in donations; that's a third ...Tahoe City's Boy Scout Troop 266 goes the extra mileSierra SunIllinois Boy Scout with disabilities earns Eagle Scout rankSmartBriefScout earns Eagle rank despite learning disabilitiesAlton Telegraph all 4 news articles »...
14 Sep 2009 | 7:16 pm

Memory of Boy Scout Raises Thousands for Troop (9&10 News Cadillac)
The memory of a Boy Scout is helping a Cadillac-area troop meet its goal. Monday, the troop commemorated ten-thousand dollars in donations; that's a third of their goal...
14 Sep 2009 | 7:07 pm

Unsung Heroes: Olean woman takes four Girl Scouts under her wing - Olean Times Herald
Unsung Heroes: Olean woman takes four Girl Scouts under her wing ...Olean Times Herald ALLEGANY - After spending her entire life in the Girl Scouts, Danielle Phearsdorf has become known as “the guardian angel,” for four girls in ......
14 Sep 2009 | 4:22 pm

Cub, Boy Scouts starting new season - Fall River Herald News
Cub, Boy Scouts starting new season Fall River Herald NewsMeetings will take place at Holy Cross Church Hall, 47 Pulaski St., Fall River, on Tuesdays from 6 to 7 pm for Cub Scouts (boys in Grades 1 to 5) and ...Carver Cub Scouts Pack 63's annual Fishing DerbyCarver ReporterLearn about Cub Scouts this ThursdayMy Ballardall 3 news articles »...
14 Sep 2009 | 3:03 pm

Cub, Boy Scouts starting new season - Fall River Herald News
Cub, Boy Scouts starting new season Fall River Herald NewsCub Scout Pack and Scout Troop 50 at SS Peter & Paul begins a new season on Tuesday, Sept. 22. Meetings will take place at Holy Cross Church Hall, ...Carver Cub Scouts Pack 63's annual Fishing DerbyCarver ReporterLearn about Cub Scouts this Thursday My Ballardall 3 news articles »...
14 Sep 2009 | 3:03 pm

Area Scouts camp out at Fifth Third Ballpark (
Scouts from Rockford's Crestwood Pack 3285 joined Boy Scouts and fellow Cub Scouts from across West Michigan for an evening of fun and camping on the outfield of Fifth Third Ballpark August 28 as part of the Whitecaps annual Scout Campout....
14 Sep 2009 | 2:09 pm

Area Scouts camp out at Fifth Third Ballpark (
Scouts from Rockford's Crestwood Pack 3285 joined Boy Scouts and fellow Cub Scouts from across West Michigan for an evening of fun and camping on the outfield of Fifth Third Ballpark August 28 as part of the Whitecaps annual Scout Campout....
14 Sep 2009 | 2:09 pm

Scouts seek girls for new Heartland troops (The Springfield News-Leader)
Girl Scout troops are now forming for the 2009-2010 membership year, and Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland invites all girls in grades K-12 to join, according to a news release...
14 Sep 2009 | 1:58 pm

Scouts seek girls for new Heartland troops -
Scouts seek girls for new Heartland troops Girl Scout troops are now forming for the 2009-2010 membership year, and Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland invites all girls in grades K-12 to join, ...Girl Scouts seeking new members, volunteersSussex Countianall 2 news articles »...
14 Sep 2009 | 1:54 pm


Scouts In Action


They Saved the Baby from the River!
John Fitzgerald, 9, Christian Nanson, 11, and other members of Pack 100 and Troop 100 were swimming in Nebraska's Platte River when Christian spotted a baby floating facedown in the water. Listen as they describe how they saved the baby in a true story of Scouts in Action...
20 Jun 2008 | 1:57 pm

He saved the boy from the riptide!
As Todd Staszak, 15, was bodyboarding at Hatteras, N.C., he heard cries for help. A man was trying to save his son and his son's friend as a powerful riptide pulled the boys away from shore. Listen as Todd and others describe how he rescued the boys in a true story of Scouts in Action...
29 May 2008 | 9:34 am

He saved his friends from the oncoming car!
As Trevor Robinson, 18, and four friends were walking across the parking lot of their school in Carmichael, Calif., a car traveling almost 30 miles an hour rounded a corner and headed straight for them. Listen as Trevor and others describe how he saved his friends' lives in a true story of Scouts in Action...
23 Apr 2008 | 8:42 am

He saved the boy from drowning!
Alex Lambert and David "Junior" Tyree, both 12, and John Buchanan, 13, were swimming. As John began to tire, he panicked and jumped onto Junior's back. Both boys started to go under. Listen as Alex and his mom describe the rescue in a true story of Scouts in Action...
24 Mar 2008 | 11:08 am

He saved the man from icy waters!
Jake Silfies and Matt Mikosky, both 12, were hiking during a winter camping trip on Lake Stillwater, Pa. when Matt's dad fell through the ice. Listen as they describe the rescue in a true story of Scouts in Action...
25 Feb 2008 | 12:37 pm



Thoughts to Ponder



Scouts, if you're like most boys, you don't think of your parents very often. Oh, they're around all the time, of course, and sometimes they make you do things you don't want to do.

but how often do you think of what your parents want from you? Probably not very often. Maybe you give them gifts at Christmas and their birthdays. but most of us don't go out of our way to help our parents as much as we might.

I have a suggestion. Do you know what is the best gift you can give them? I'll tell you.

Parents want most of all and have a right to expect, that you will do your best to make them proud of you. I don't mean by becoming rich or famous, or even by getting all A's in school - although I hope you do your best in your studies.

The best gift you can give them is to become the best man you can be. there is no better way to do that than by living up to the Scout Oath and Law. That is a gift you can give them right now and all the time, and it is a gift they will cherish above all others.


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