- The BSA turned _____ years old on February 8, 1998.
- _______ __________ ____________ is the founder of Scouting.
- The Cub Scout motto is ____ _______ ________.
- The _________ _____ program introduces first grade boys to Cub Scouting.
- There are ______ tracks to the Bobcat trail.
- __________ achievements are required to earn the Wolf Badge.
- The first ______ electives go toward the _______ Arrow Point for both Wolf and Bear ranks.
- There are _______ Webelos Activity Badges that can be earned.
- The highest award in Cub Scouts is the _______ ___ ________.
- We belong to Pack ______ in the _______________ District of the ___________________ Council.
- There are ______ boys in our Cub Scout den.
- Our leaders' names are ______ __________ and ______ __________.
- The Cubmaster's name is ________ __________.
- Our February pack meeting is the _______ & _____ __________.
- Our Packs highlight of the year is _________________.