InsaneScouter - Blue & Gold Banquet - Planning the Banquet - Cub Scouts

Blue & Gold Banquet - Planning the Banquet

What Type of Meal?

There are several options a pack can consider. One option is a pot-luck where each family brings a dish to share with everyone else. Be sure to have them provide enough for their family +2 since there will be guests attending. Another option would be for the pack to purchase and supply the meat and other items such as paper products, utensils, and beverages. Each den could be assigned salads, vegetables, breads, or desserts. If your budget allows, your pack may decide to have the meal catered. This is the easiest way to go, but also the most expensive.

How Will the Pack Pay for the Banquet?

Some packs pay for all of the Banquet costs by budgeting it in at the beginning of the Scouting year and earning sufficient funds through popcorn sales or other fundraisers throughout the year. Other packs charge those attending (if the meal is catered). A good idea is to add $1 per person to cover the cost of decorations and guest dinners unless your pack can afford the extra cost.

How Much Food and Seating is Required?

It is best to have families make reservations and pay in advance or you will not be able to plan for the proper amount of food and your pack may have to pay for food planned on but not eaten. A simple RSVP on each invitation could be returned along with the required amount of money.

Who Makes Decorations, Invitations, Programs?

It is always more fun for the boys to be involved in their banquet. If your pack decides for the boys to make some of the decorations, it would be a good idea to enlist and rotate extra parental help at den meetings prior to the banquet. The programs could be done by a parent; ask if anyone in the pack enjoys computer work or works at a print shop. Remember to use all your families' talents and resources.

Suggested Timetable

Time Prior to B&G Activity
4 months Select Blue & Gold Committee; Set/reserve date, time, place; Select theme
3 months Dens work on decorations; Plan the program; Committee meeting report
2 months Make guest list; Committee meeting report
1 month Mail invitations; Re-check facilities; Print program; Committee meeting report
2 weeks Turn in award orders; Complete decorations; Verify RSVP counts; Check on food preparation
Banquet day Set up a room; Enjoy Banquet; Clean up facilities



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