Needed: Cubmaster, cardboard box with TOOLS on side, nine boys holding cardboard cutouts of hand tools, with parts written on back and nine purposes of Cub Scouting on front (Citizenship, Spiritual Growth, Sportsman, Family Understanding, Getting Along, Personal Achievement, Helpfulness, Exciting Things, Preparing for Boy Scouts)
Cubmaster: This month's theme is Cubstruction. Well, I figured that had something to do with building Cub Scouts, so I looked in my materials and found nine tools for building Cub Scouts. These tools are the Purposes of Cub Scouting. These young men are going to help remind you of these tools.
(Boys come forward one by one, take a tool from the box, hold it up and read the part)
Citizenship: Citizenship is voting in elections, serving on jury duty, and obeying the law.
Spiritual Growth: Spiritual Growth is doing your duty to God.
Sportsmanship: Sportsmanship is always playing fair and being a good sport whether you win or lose.
Family Understanding: Family Understanding is doing things with your family. It means parents taking the time to explain things to their kids.
Getting Along: Getting along with others means respecting other people, especially when we don't agree with them.
Personal Achievement: Personal Achievement means feeling good about working hard to do our achievements as we advance in rank.
Helpfulness: Helpfulness means pitching in and helping when someone needs our help; it means helping even when we're no asked.
Exciting Things: Scouting is full of exciting things to learn and do!
Preparing for Boy Scouts: Preparing to become Boy Scouts. Cub Scouting helps us gain the tools and skills we need to become Boy Scouts.
Cubmaster: Here we have the tools of Cub Scouting. Please stand and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance.