Preparations: Cut out 4 large triangles from a sheet of poster board. Write the words: “Duty to God” on one, “Duty to Country” on the second, “Helping Others” on the third, and “Do Your Best” on the fourth. Have 4 boys stand in front of the audience, each holding one of the triangles.
LEADER: The ancient Egyptians believed in the power of the pyramids. They believed that the pyramid could bring healing and spiritual powers. The pyramids were an important part of their lives. There are 4 points in the Cub Scout promise that every Cub Scout promises to live by, and they are:
• Duty to God
• Duty to Country
• Helping Others
• Do My Best
(As each point is read, have each boy form one side of the pyramid)
When you put these points together, they form the Cub Scout Promise pyramid. Cub Scouts, please join me in the Cub Scout Promise…
SCCC Pow wow 2003