At the beginning of the Indianapolis 500 -- or any car race -- the announcer says, "Gentlemen, start your engines". Tonight we will have our Pinewood Derby. I will ask 13 boys to come forward to help me give you a reminder.
S Smile, even if you hurt inside.
P Pardon those parents who may show poor manners.
O Ooze with enthusiasm for your car and fellow Den members.
R Respect the feelings of other Cub Scouts.
T Try your best and
S Satisfied with yourself.
M Master the art of self-control.
A Anger has no place in our meeting.
N Notice that only one can win.
S Success is "doing your best" will be present for every Cub Scout.
H Hush those words of bragging.
I Insert your congratulations to the winner.
P Play the derby game for fun.