Six Cub Scouts appear in sailor's hats. They carry pieces of poster board cut out
in the shape of ships. In large print are the words representing the six 'ships" of
Cubmaster: Tonight, we are going to tell you about the six ships of Scouting.
These are the ships that guide us through life.
1st Mate: SCHOLAR-SHIP. This ship is very important on the sea of education.
Her flag bears the symbols of the letter "A!', and a plus sign as well!
2nd Mate: FELLOW-SHIP. This ship stands for good spirit, fine cooperation and
never failing unity. Its flag flies high - it is the flag of Scouting.
3rd Mate: FRIEND-SHIP. This is the most beautiful ship of all. It is true blue and
its flag is golden because friendship itself is golden.
4th Mate: SPORTSMAN-SHIP. This ship stands for all that's fair. It never veers
from its course. Its flag is never at half-mast.
5th Mate: WORKMAN-SHIP. This ship's every line, every part, every mast,
represents the best that a person can give. Its flag bears a laurel wreath.
6th Mate: STATESMEN-SHIP. This ship represents wise guidance, constant
counsel, unselfish interest, and sincere endeavor. Its flag is white for purity.
Cubmaster: And there you have the six-strong and sturdy ships to brave the sea
of life. Would the audience please rise and join in the Pledge of Allegiance.
2003 Pirates of the Caribbean