Cub Scout: “What are you looking for?”
Den leader: (Wearing a safari hat and looking through binoculars)
“I’m on a safari and looking for cubs.”
Cub Scout: “What kind of cubs?”
Den leader: (Still looking around) “Oh, I don’t know, but I’ll know when I see them.”
Cub Scout: “Are you looking for lion cubs?”
Den leader: “No.”
Cub Scout: “Are you looking for bear cubs?”
Den leader: “No.”
Cub Scout: “Are you looking for wolf cubs?”
Den leader: “No.”
Cub Scout: “Well, what other kind of cub is there?”
Den leader: (Raises the binoculars to see Color Guard at the back of the room.)
“There they are! I’m looking for Cub Scouts to do the Flag Ceremony.
(Proceed with the Flag Ceremony.)
References / Source:
GSLC Pow Wow 2008