PERSONNEL: Cub Master, Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, Webelos.
EQUIPMENT: Magic rings, a sack, black and white scarves, hold-up signs for each speaker.
CUBMASTER: "Color guard advance the colors."
1ST CUB: "I am a Bobcat. I know the magic of Scouting, 'Do Your Best'."
2ND CUB: "I am a Wolf. I know the secret of Scouting, I follow Akela."
3RD CUB: "I am a Bear. I know the secret of Scouting, 'Help Other People'."
4TH CUB: "I am a Webelos. I know the secret of Scouting. I can perform magic feats of skill. (holds up two scarves) In my two hands, I have a black and white scarf. I shall put the black and white scarves in the sack. I shall say the magic words. Hokus, pokus, eenie, beenie, jelly beenie.....(pulls white scarf out 1st) See, the black scarf has changed to the white and the white has changed to the black."
CUBMASTER: "Boys, the magic to Cub scouting in our Pack is the three rings I have in my hands.
You see them linked together as we are linked by our promise and law of the Pack. But with magic, the links can become individual circles as each of you are individual links in our Pack. Without all the links working together magic cannot be present."
"Color guard present the lights of our Pack and Nation."
"Pledge of Allegiance."