EQUIPMENT: 15 Cub Scouts each holding a large square of paper. On each square is one of the letters that spell out "Lord Baden Powell." When it is the appropriate boy's turn, he flips the square over and reads the following which is printed on the back of the square for him to read as the audience views his letter. Tell each boy to emphasize the word that is in caps.
L - A Scout LOVES the outdoors.
O - A Cub Scout OBEYS Akela.
R - A Scout RESPECTS others.
D - A Scout DOES his best.
B - A Scout BELIEVES in God.
A - A Scout is ALWAYS prepared.
D - The DEN is where the fun begins.
E - EVERYONE grows in Scouting.
N - Scouting NEEDS your support.
P - the PACK helps the Cub Scout grow.
O - Scouting teaches the OUTDOOR Code.
W - WEBELOS transition to Boy Scouts.
E - EAGLE Scout is the highest award in Scouting.
L - Scouts LEARN skills.
L - A Scout LEADS others.