PERSONNEL: Narrator and seven Cub Scouts
EQUIPMENT: Seven large cards, each with a letter to form the word LIBERTY
NARRATOR: The word "LIBERTY" is held so dear. Each letter is a symbol of this nation held together by love, not fear. Man has fought and died in years gone by, but the meaning stays the same for you and me.
(In order, each Cub Scout steps forward turning their card so that the letter may be seen by the audience and recites the phrases given below)
L - L is for LAWS, made for the protection of all.
I - I is for IDEALS, whose standard shall not fall.
B - B is for BRAVERY, for all, not a few.
E - E is for EQUALITY, upheld through and through.
R - R is for RELIGION, a matter of choice.
T - T is for TRUTH, which we are free to voice.
Y - Y is for YOUTH, inspired from the start.
ALL LETTERS: It's all up to you - so do your part!