ARRANGEMENT: Any number of boys can be used. All wear costumes. They come on stage, one at a time, and speak their lines. Adjust the lines below to fit your number of boys and their type of costumes.
NARRATOR: Won't you come and join us in the Land of Make-Believe? Just use imagination and see what you can see:
1ST BOY: I am a daring Astronaut. I like to fly in space, My rocketship will take me to the most unusual place.
2ND BOY: I am a racing driver. I always like to win, I always put my helmet on before the race begins.
3RD BOY: I am a pirate brave and bold. I sail; the seven seas, I make landlubbers walk the plank and don't listen to their pleas.
4TH BOY: I am the scariest monster that you have ever seen, I frighten little children, and make the women scream.
5TH BOY: I am a walking robot. I am so very smart, I'll answer all your questions, but I don't have a heart.
6TH BOY: My shining armor and my sword show that I'm a knight, And when a dragon comes around, I'm ready for a fight.
7TH BOY: I'm a famous Indian Chief; I'm fierce, but I am fair, I even let my Indian braves grow the longest hair.
8TH BOY: I am a ghost....a real live ghost; you don't believe, you say? Then when I see you as a real dark night, please don't run away.
9TH BOY: I am the headless horseman, straight from the legend old, But I carry my head along with me, in case my neck gets cold.
10TH BOY: I'm Rip Van Winkle. I have a long, long beard; I slept so long it grew that way. Some folks think I'm weird.