InsaneScouter - Indians And The American Melting Pot - Ceremonies Flag Opening

Indians And The American Melting Pot

Setting: Need 6 persons - 1 narrator and 5 in Indian costumes.

NARRATOR: Gives a short welcome and then says: Since the birth of the United States, Millions and Millions of immigrants (our forefathers) have come to this country in search of opportunities denied them in their native lands.

The English, Spanish, German, Irish, Chinese, Italians, Slovaks, Scandinavians, Africans, Jews, Greeks, French, and others, many others. Yes, we're all here....the American Melting Pot.

Let's back up a bit. Before America's great melting pot began. There stood on this land a true native American. We know him as the American Indian. They were hunters, warriors, farmers, and seafarers.

They had different systems of government. Colorful were their religious beliefs, customs, arts, and crafts. They gave and got so little from the white man. The unjust treatment of the Indians is shameful to America. Today, as then, the Indian has no choice but to exist within the world of the white man.

But, a glimmer of sunlight may be shining on this nation of ours. Today the mood of the nation has at long last recognized the value of its Indian heritage and of what they really contributed and gave up.

(A tom-tom starts a moderately slow beat. As each Indian nation is called forward, an Indian comes forward to the center of the room near the council fire to join Akela-Cubmaster)

NARRATOR: Let us imagine tonight that we are gathering the Tribes of many Indian Nations to a Great Council Fire.

1. From the Southwest, Basin, and Plateau Nations come tribes such as the: Yuma, Navajo, Pima, Apache, Pueblo, Pauite, Nez Perce, Shoshoni, Wishram, Flathead, Yakima, and Thompson.

2. From California and the Northwest coast Nations come the: Hupa, Mission, Bellabella, Bellacoola, Nootka, Shasta, Miwok, and Chumash.

3. From the Plains and Prairie Nations come the: Mandan, Shawnee, Missouri, Camanche, Illinois, Crow, Blackfoot, Arapaho, Teton Sioux, Pawnee, Cheyenne.

4. From the Lakes and the Northeast Nations come tribes such as the: Erie, Fox, Menomini, Chippewa, Ottowa, Huron, Iroquois, Winnebago, Delaware, Penopkcot, Kickapoo.

5. And from the Southeast, Nation come the tribes of the: Creek, Seminole, Cherokee, Tonkowa, Natchez, Chickasaw, and Timacua.

Yes, they all came and laid down their weapons of war, and gave up their land and smoked the pipe of peace. There would be no better person in this country of ours than the American Indian to ask you all to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.



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