Six Cub Scouts line up on stage holding large posters upon which are appropriate pictures. As each boy speaks his line he turns over his poster to show a large letter which when they are all done will spell out the word GROWING. After the last boy speaks, a narrator at the side of the stage steps forward and says his lines.
G - Growing things are all about.
R - Rolling fields with grass do sprout
O - Only God can make a tree.
W - We can all enjoy nature's beauty
I - In this world many growing things there are indeed.
N - Nature makes things grow from the smallest seed.
G - God has given us all this to enjoy, making it lots of fun to be a growing boy.
This month we've learned much,
About "Things that Grow."
What fun it is Natures wonders to know.
To open our meeting tonight, let us all join together now in singing, "America the Beautiful."