PERSONNEL: 3 Cub Scouts
EQUIPMENT: 1 Cub is dressed neatly in athletic clothes, the other two dressed sloppily, looking tired, bored.
CUB 1: (Drags on stage, looking tired, bored, and meets sharp, clean CUB 2) Boy, am I tired. I wish I could be in shape. I’m so weak I don’t know what to do.
CUB 2: I have something that will get you into shape physically and mentally. Take the first step into my program and into shape by stepping over this line.
CUB 1: (Steps over the line and becomes very bright, alert, athletic.)
CUB 3: ( Walks in dragging, tired and meets l and 2.) I’m so bored. I have done everything there is and nothing is left. I miss the challenges.
CUB 2: I have something that will challenge you, train you, coach you, and develop you both physically and mentally. Just step over this line!
CUB 3: (Steps over the line and becomes very bright, alert, athletic.)
Cubs 1 & 3: (together) What is this program we stepped into that gives us energy, strength, challenges, and fun?
CUB 2: (Holds up sign reading "CUB SCOUTING") It is a mental and physical fitness program... CUB SCOUTING!!!!