EQUIPMENT: One large candle and 14 small candles, 7 of which have foil cupcake cups to catch hot wax; one orange bead for each pack member; a coffee can and another container larger than the can, for the "campfire"; 7 index cards, each printed with lines for Cub Scouts to read; tape
PERSONNEL: Cubmaster and 7 Cub Scouts
ARRANGEMENT: Place the orange beads in the coffee can and put it in the larger container. Tape the seven remaining small candles in a semicircle around the top edge of the large container. Each Cub Scout has a candle with a wax guard on it and a card with his part written on it. These Cub Scouts stand in a semicircle behind the campfire.
CUBMASTER: Welcome to our pack meeting campfire. This large candle I am holding represents the spirit of Cub Scouting. We use it to light the others to add to the brightness of our campfire. (As each Cub Scout reads his part, Cubmaster lights both the Cub Scout's candle and one of the candles taped to the container.)
CUB #1: I am light. As I am added to the campfire, my flame allows us to see new chances to be helpful to others.
CUB #2: I am friendship. My flame teaches us how to be a friend to other people.
CUB #3: I am restraint. My flame reflects off the stones that surround the campfire, thus keeping the fire in check. When I am added to the campfire, we learn to keep our tempers and our tongues in check.
CUB #4: I am the rising smoke. As I rise from our campfire, our eyes turn skyward and we envision God.
CUB #5: I am love. My flame makes the campfire burn brighter and lovelier. Love grows toward parents and families when it is returned, and it makes our own lives more joyful.
CUB #6: I am fun. My flame jumps and leaps with sheer pleasure. When I am added to the campfire, we see the joy and fun of Cub Scouting.
CUB #7: I am the Scout spirit. My spirit is the brotherhood of Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts all over the world who are preparing themselves to become good citizens.
CUBMASTER: We have learned that the things Cub Scouting offers us can make our campfire stronger, brighter, and more beautiful. Now before we continue our pack meeting, I ask all Cub Scouts to reach deep into the campfire and take a glowing ember. You will need it for our closing ceremony. (The boys each take an orange bead.)
CUBMASTER: After our opening ceremony tonight, each of you took a glowing ember from our campfire as a token of our friendship. Please take it out now, hold it at arm's length, and look at its glowing light. (Pause)
Now may the Cub Scout spirit that is captured in your ember sustain you until we meet again.. Goodnight and good Cub Scouting.