We are coming up on the time of the year when we
start using the outdoors more and more whether we are hiking the
trails of America or just going to the park. Each of us, as Cub Scouts,
owes an allegiance to the outdoors just as we do our flag. Each Cub
Scout should know and understand the outdoor code.
Cub # 1.
As an American, I will do my best to be clean in my
outdoor habits; I will keep my trash and garbage out of America’s
waters, fields, woods and roadways.
Cub # 2.
Be careful with fire: I will build my fire in a safe place and be sure it is out before I
Cub # 3.
Be considerate of the outdoors: I will remember that the use of the outdoors is a
privilege I can lose by abuse.
Cub # 4.
And be conservation minded: I will learn to practice good conservation of soil,
waters, forests, minerals, grasslands, and wildlife and I will urge others to do the
Please join with me in the Pledge of Allegiance.
GSLC Pow Wow 2007