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Thank You Mom!

Remember the day your son came home, a smile was on his face. He couldn't hold still and talked so fast, it seemed he was at a race. "Guess what mom, in school today, the Cubmaster gave a show." "He wants everyone to join tomorrow." "Can I go, mom, please can I go?" 

Remember how uncertain you were with your son's best interest at heart. Just two bucks and a form you signed gave him that scouting start. Then on the way home, you hummed scouting songs wondering what was ahead, "I'll have to get a shirt and tie and learn the promise," the young boy said. 

Remember then, how once a week you'd put that scouting shirt on display. You'd tuck it in, fix his tie, and tell him to have a good day. And when he got home you'd hear him say, "Mom, I ripped my shirt." Sometimes it wasn't torn too bad but was it full of dirt. 

Remember that first Pack Meeting, you went with him to receive his badge. He stood there straight and very proud, and as parents, you took a pledge. To help him along the Scouting Trail, and quickly you found out how, "My Bobcat badge has got to be sewn on, mom, couldn't you please do it now." 

Remember the derby cars he built anxiously awaiting the day, He came home without a trophy that night, but you knew just what to say, And at the Blue & Gold Banquet when his den did a skit, their uniforms all looked great. The front of your son's reminded you that earlier he dropped his plate.

Remember when he earned his Wolf badge, all twelve requirements complete. He said to you. "Mom, could you sew it on and try and make it neat." "And on the other pocket mom, could you sew on my Cub Day Patch?" "It has got to be done by the next Den Meeting so everyone's will match." 

Remember the family picnic, when as a team you raced, And only a mother would notice, her son had a dirty face. But that was your son and proud you were when he was awarded the winner. Just think it wasn't long ago in scouting he was a beginner. 

Remember when he earned his Bear badge, he's getting older now it seems. "It goes right next to the Wolf badge mom, my uniform needs to be cleaned." And then came the arrow points, both gold, and silver he received. "Mom you sewed them on upside down." "Could you turn them over, please?" 

Remember how very happy you were when he joined the Webelos Den? No more arrow points to sew on, finally, you've reached an end. And when he got home from his first den meeting, there was a smile on his face. "Mom, my Den 2 patch has got to come off." "This gives the Webelos colors a place." 

Remember the overnight campout, how carefully everything was packed. And when he got home, he said to you, "Mom, I didn't bring everything back." "I left the kitchen knife behind and the flashlight you bought me too." "But I really had a good time though mom, look I've got both my shoes." 

Remember when he earned his Webelos badge, how neat his uniform looked. The Cubmaster said, "A round of applause, this boy has been studying his book." You knew well where this badge went, its place was easy to tell. His uniform was now complete, or was it? It's amazing how it fits him so well. 

Remember how very proud you were when he earned his Arrow of Light? "Mom," he said as he accepted that badge, "I'd like to thank you aloud." "Not only for all the patches you've sewn, but because you're always around." "And mom," he said as he held that badge high, "Boy Scouts meet Tuesday night," "Could you sew this on my new uniform, please?" "Thanks, mom, you're all right!"


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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders