InsaneScouter - Sport Heroes - Ceremonies Flag Closing

Sport Heroes

CUBMASTER: Someday a member of our Pack maybe a football star

Like Elway, Marino, or Dickinson, and known both near and far.

Or maybe we’ll play basketball or hockey on the ice

And have our picture in the news, and see our name in lights.

Or maybe we’ll do something else Outside the sporting game,

And though we won’t give autographs, like those of TV fame,

We hope the people that we know will think of us and say,

That each of us has done his best while working or at play,

To be the kind of citizen who helps to make things grow

Like families and neighborhoods, and this old world, you know!

You just don’t have to be a star (although it would be fine)

To help make this a better world for your folks and for mine,

Just "DO YOUR BEST" out motto says, in everything you do!

Who could ask for more than that? Cub Scouts - we’re proud of you!

Good night - have a safe trip home!



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