InsaneScouter - Muscle Builders - Ceremonies Flag Closing

Muscle Builders

ARRANGEMENT: The following closing ceremony leaves the audience with some good closing thoughts. Seven boys line up across the stage holding barbells which have letters printed on each end spelling out MUSCLE BUILDERS.

1st Cub: Muscles some think are really a must.

Unless you want to be a bust.

2nd Cub: So flex your muscles and raise those weights high. Cause it will make a healthy guy.

3rd Cub: Lift all of the load you possibly can,

Else you could be called a shirking man.

4th Cub: Buckle down and lift your share of the load,

Unless you want to be a shirker on life's road.

5th Cub: If you always do your part,

Lifters you will be from the start.

6th Cub: Do your best to lift your share,

Everyone showing that they care.

7th Cub: Reaching always a little out of reach,

Since that's the best philosophy to teach. 



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