InsaneScouter - Flag Recipe - Ceremonies Flag Closing

Flag Recipe

EQUIPMENT: 6 Cub Scouts, 1 cup blue crepe paper bits, Stars (glitter), American flag, 1 cup red crepe paper bits, 1 cup white crepe paper bits, Large pot, spotlight (optional).

ARRANGEMENT: Cub Scouts form a semi-circle around a large pot. The American flag is folded and hidden in the pot. Each Cub is holding the ingredients which he adds.

CUB 1: We are going to fix a treat that is really grand;

And make for you a recipe.... the greatest in the land.

CUB 2: First we'll put in a heaping cup of red for courage true, (He adds red paper bits to the pot)

CUB 3: And then we will add for loyalty, a dash of heavenly blue, (He adds blue paper bits to the pot)

CUB 4: For purity, we will now sift in a layer of snowy white, (He sprinkles in white paper bits)

CUB 5: We will sprinkle in a pinch of stars to make it come out right, (He adds glitter)

CUB 6: We will stir and stir and then you will see,

That what we have made is...

(He uses a large spoon and pretends to stir, taking care not to disturb the flag)

ALL: (together) OLD GLORY. (All Cubs reach in and pull out American Flag.)

CUB 1: Our flag is the most beautiful flag in the world. Let us always be loyal to it. (Two Cubs hold the American flag high. Lights out, spotlight on the flag as the curtain closes.)



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders