InsaneScouter - Steve O'Connor - About Us Staff Bio

Steve O'Connor


Name: Steve O’Connor (aka PTSteve or ptsteve) as in Pack Trainer Steve

Date: 2010

What are your personal hobbies? Scouting, Cub Scouting, more Scouting. Hobbies involve the family, coaching my son's teams, being their Den Leader, being a Leader in the Pack as the Pack Trainer, representing our Pack at Roundtables, being a blogger for InsaneScouter. It is also fun to work with Scott and help improve Insane Scouter. I also have to remember to keep FUN in all of it or my Scouting Mojo seems to go away.

What is your occupation? Well, I found a position that allows me to have the time with the family and do professional development and Scouting Development. I am a Senior Business Development Manager for a Microsoft Business Intelligence Partner.

What kind of education do you have?  I have a bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Industrial Relations. Scouting education-wise, I have attended 2 PowWows and 2 Universities of Scouting and will be starting Wood Badge this year.

Why did you get involved in Scouting as a leader? Ok, no I was not the last one out of the room. I like to be involved, and once I started, I really started having fun with my sons and being a Leader.

Tell us a little about yourself.  I am a Dad of 2 special sons who I have the privilege of being their Den Leader. My oldest is special needs and doing well in Cub Scouts. My youngest is always trying to help out and also doing well in Cub Scouts. My partner in crime and very important to all of us in the O’Connor family is my wife. She supports me and allows me to have the time to do all the Scouting activities I do.

So you might be asking so how did I find Insane Scouter and Scott Robertson. I was listening to an interview on one of the podcasts from and heard an interview Scott did. I heard it and went to IS and looked around and that is how I got here.

I also met Cubmaster Joe through Scott, and for that I have also learned much.

What do you do in Scouting? Everything I can do for “my boys” or the Cub Scouts under my watch. This doesn’t mean earning without learning. This means making sure the other Den Leaders are trained and are involved in the programming for each year. So, what am I doing now and will be doing for the next two years?. I will continue to be the Den Leader and in 2 years move to Webelos Den Leader. I also serve as the Pack Trainer for the Pack and expect to do that until I am needed elsewhere in the Pack. I will be starting Wood Badge this year and being a Den/Squad Leader for the District Cub Scout Day Camp this year, and expect to do it for the upcoming Summers.

How has Scouting changed your life? Scouting has impacted my life BIG TIME. It has given me insight and tools in working with my sons and the boys in the Den. I have met Scouters that have helped me and good people that are all committed to bringing the best for the boys. I always remember and tell my parents Scouting is “a game with a purpose” and in our den we “have fun, learn something and have fun”. If I got something wrong please let me know.

Bottom Line: I am a Scouter!!! When I start to pull my uniform out, my boys run to their rooms and start to get dressed. I have to break the bad news that no, Daddy is going to a Pack Committee/Roundtable/etc. meeting. It brings a tear to my eye that they are having so much fun; they are willing to go with me to meetings where they would be completely bored. When it comes to Den and Pack Meetings, it is a race to see who can get ready first.

Were you a Scout as a youth? How far did you make it? Yes and I topped out as a Tenderfoot in Boy Scouts and am very happy to be back in Scouting as a Scouter.

What do you like most about Scouting? As a boy, I loved Cub Scouts because I was in a great Pack. My family moved and I got into a Troop not right for me and ended up getting out as a Tenderfoot. As an Adult, I love having the opportunity to watch my boys grow up and have a common Promise, Law, Etc. we all live by. They know I won’t ask them to do something I wouldn’t do.

Do you have any suggestions for other Scouters? Please make sure to keep having FUN while you are Scouting. I have found that if I am not having FUN, my Scouting Mojo goes. Also, remember the bottom line is all we do is for the boys. Thanks and Yours In Scouting Steve O’Connor



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Scouting resources for Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Girl Guides, Girl Scout, Cub Scout, Venturing, Exploring, Beavers, Joey, Boy Scout Leaders