Hello Everyone,
Well, just got home from the second Troop meeting with my son's. My oldest who is Special Needs had a great time and his younger brother surprised his Scoutmaster. The Scouts today worked on advancement items for Tenderfoot and once my youngest got his Scout Handbook he cracked it open and started to read through it.
He asked his Scoutmaster after the Troop meeting to test him on an additional requirement they didn't cover in the Troop meeting and he was successful. He also asked if he could work on a merit badge that was being offered, but was told he had to do some requirements before he could qualify for it.
The Scoutmaster came up to me after he worked with my youngest son and told me he was impressed with the answers my son gave him. I was also impressed that my oldest was willing to wait for his brother to finish working with the Scoutmaster.
Well next weekend is the first camping trip with the Troop. I will let you know how it goes.
Yours in Scouting, ptsteve